Please & Thank You

While the weather certainly could have been better, I thoroughly enjoyed a tight group of very pleasant seniors –  if the grey hair present was any indication, there was plenty of wisdom to be shared! 

As 5:45 rolled in the rain continued to fall – no FNGs, only revealed familiar faces.  The group was informed that this is F3 – modify as necessary!  Started with the Pledge & moseyed behind the bank for…. 

The Warm Up

Circle up for SSH, standard merkins, run around the bank, Sir Fazios, merkins, run around the bank, calf stretch with merkins, etc.

Thang 1

Mosey to the Town of Cary Palace for Aussie pull-ups with alternating bear crawls across the drive & dips down at the fountain.  20 Aussies, bear crawl, 18 Aussies, dips, etc.  Nice work gentlemen!

Head to the grassy area for some Mary – side plank star crunches

Thang 2

Move on to the upper pickle – classic 7’s:  Burpees on upper corner with diamond merkins on the lower corner – fun times! 

Mosey back to the other side of the tracks but stop along the way for merkins with one are on the curb – nice extra work for the upper pec. 

Billy run back to the flag & we are at closing time – perfect spot for Shawshank Have-a-nice Days….. 


  • Count-o-rama – 7 strong
  • Name-o-rama -  all respects (we bestowed an honorary Respect degree on Prodigal so we wouldn’t feel left out)
  • Announcements
    • Last chance for the F3 March Madness bracket – check Slack & hit up Burt if you have trouble getting in. 
    • Go vote on the Muggo!
  • Praises & Prayers
    • Major gratitude for the spring showers this morning –
    • Sarah Beth – Term Paper’s daughter struggling & needs a lift from us.  Getting further tests on her heart function over the next 48 hours to better determine the issue.  Very frustrated mentally as she had to withdraw from her Masters program with only a couple months to go because of these medical issues.
    • Warchild, a HT brother is once again struggling mightily with heroin addiction – please lift him up & all those who fight this fight daily.
    • Keeping our brothers in our TAP:
      • Swag & his family as they support & fight alongside of his M
      • Crimson & his family as they have been through a grueling time with FIL & now issues with BIL
      • Sooey – continued recovery from back surgery
      • Ausfahrt for continued recovery from his accident

BOM: YHC took us out. Fantastic F3 representation this morning, I’m honored to be part of it.

See also