Playing The Classic Hits

Back to Tortoise, where it all started. At the church formerly known as Sovereign Grace, YHC runs the 1.8 miles in early to get some pull-ups. Very soon, PAX started to arrive and gather ‘round the flag. It’s a cold, sleevy morning in the POGL. Even Ma Bell has the pythons covered for this 27 degree workout. First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance.

Warm Up

Lap around the parking lot, circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, a single Good Morning led by Crimson, Grundle stretch and calf stretch.

Finish it off with a Tortoise favorite, Jack Webbs up to 10:40

The Thang

Partner up with a Dora. Classic 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats. Other partner runs to the pullup bars and completes 5 pull-ups. Once complete everyone back to the pull-up bars for one last set.

Keep your partners, mosey to the wall on the side of the church. Partner 1 completes 20 Dying Cockroaches, while Partner 2 holds BTTW. Rotate for 1 set each.


Captain Thor up to 10:40. Disco Duck calls 10 Burpees on his down. YHC finishes off with Homer 2 Marge, Pickle Pounders, and Pamela Andersons. Have a nice day.


Several respects in attendance, the rest Mehs. Praises for Roasters’ return to the gloom. He’s got a new kid! Prayers for Disco’s MIL and Kelly, Crimson’s sister battling addiction, and Gnarly Goat’s loss of his best friend. YHC took us out.


  • Limited run, unlimited pain
  • Ma Bell is good at counting. Get well soon Ma, the boot don’t suit ya
  • Sooey stayed in the car as long as he could, some said it was cold
  • Crimson performed his single Good Morning like the professional he is
  • We had a Hello Kitty fly by. He dropped in for a couple Dora sets, then continued his run.
  • We celebrated the return of Roasters, and prayed for that next guy who needs F3, but doesn’t even know it yet.
  • MIAGD, and be just a little bit better today than you were yesterday.

See also