Play Like A Champion Today

  • When: 8/29/2017
  • QIC: Pet Sounds
  • The PAX: Bagger, Biner, Crimson, Franklin, GTL, Hello Kitty, Katniss, Nature Boy, PBX, Shut-in, Sooey, Side Saddle(FNG), Sour Mash, Napster, Parker, Snots, Sooner, Water Wings, Goose, Bogo, PetSounds

With the previous day’s Burt-al beatdown and EC YHC was in no shape to run… Fragile status lately with a string of injuries.  Hell to grow old.  YHC was shocked to learn while Q shopping for the week that he had the Q at FOD the next day.  With the Burt-al Beatdown in mind YHC needed inspiration for a non running workout.  Pulling on a very dark day in Irish history YHC had just what he needed, the NCSU v ND hurricane debacle .  Just as the Irish would not run the ball, neither would we. Or, at a minimum limited run.  

Warm up - short run around top of parking lot, circle back to pick up the late and punished Sooner…  

25x Penalty Burpees for Sooner (Hate 25!)

2 partner laps around the parking lot opposite directions - 20x handclap merkins as partners meet

20x SSH

15x Good Mornings

20x Merkins (hold it)

20x Peter Parkers (hold it)

15x Merkins (hold it)

20x Parker Peters

Mozy to Rock Pile for Thang 1

20x Curls

20x Skull crushers

20x rock raise

20x rock press

20x rock row


Walk with Rock above head back to cars for Thang 2

Thang 2

Bear Crawl around cars facing South entire time

Crab walk around cars facing South entire time

Cirlce up grab a different rock

20x Curls

20x Skull crushers

20x rock press

20x rock row

Walk with Rock above head back to Rock Pile to deposit

Mozy to Shelter

20x Dips

20x Erkins



20 Freddy Merc

30sec 6” hold (silent)


Labor Day convergence at Bond Park (Kryptonite and 

9/11 stairclimb

Guys weekend - RSVP please


Prayer Requests

Please Remember all the residents of SE Texas and LA.  As Franklin mentioned, take 10 minutes and watch the news.  Horrible situation down south however many great Americans stepping up to help.  MaBell will be messaging how you can help thru F3 later this week.

So Thankful to see Crimson today.  Stay strong brother.  You have dozens praying with you.


Naked Moleskin

Thank you all for being the influence YHC needs in his life

See also