"PLAY BALL!" A Birthday Q Story

A couple of months ago YHC thought it was only right to honor the Carpex tradition of Qing on your Birthday, so I signed up for a Friday, July 6th Q at the infamous Slippery When Wet.

Why is it infamous?

Well, legend has it that back in the 80s Bon Jovi’s tour bus broke down as it was passing through Cary in the early morning hours.  Back then, Cary was just a zygote that would later develop into the boisterous town we now know.  Anyway, Bon Jovi’s tour bus breaks down and Jon decides to take a walk to clear his head while they waited for AAA.  This part of the story is a bit unclear and experts tend to disagree.  Some say it was as simple as being dark and wet from the rain the night before.  Others think it may have been an overindulgence of a certain substance that caused Jon to slip and fall but either way, Jon Bon Jovi fell, hit his head and passed out for an undetermined amount of time.  During this time, Jon’s subconscious led him to a magical land of half-naked women that would later become fully naked, endless amounts of adult substances, and a weird garden gnome that came to life and guided him through this mystical land that would later be known as “Backstage”.   To this day Jon has yet to tell the entire story of his journey through “Backstage” but if you listen to the album backward you may be able to decipher certain clues.

So to bring this story full circle.  Jon’s experience in Cary inspired the album “Slippery When Wet” and by no coincidence, the actual spot in which he slipped, hit his head and found his way “Backstage” is the very same spot we meet on Friday mornings, #ao-fri-sww.  To top it all of, the garden gnome that Jon met…his name was Ritter!Image result for shocked face

I should make the disclaimer now that in no way is this story substantiated by any real facts but try proving it didn’t happen.

So, how about that workout?

YHC made it on time to Q his birthday despite the fact he was out late the night before at the Imagine Dragons show.  Luckily, I had a plan and was also able to EH Pet Sounds into posting despite the fact he was also at the show, he would later regret that.

12 HIMs showed up to celebrate with YHC.  We started with a warm-up jog around the parking lot which led us to the baseball field where we would spend a majority of the morning.  Inspired by a previous Joe Smith Q, YHC decided to make it a baseball-themed workout.  Since Burt was at OIB I figured it was ok to incorporate a theme.


  • Good Mornings IC x 10
  • SSH IC x 41 (The Pax soon figured out how old YHC was turning)
  • 2 rounds of sprints


PAX run the bases for 9 innings of exercises.  We’ll split up into 2 groups of 6 with group 1 running the bases in traditional fashion and the 2nd group running the opposite direction, we’ll meet-up at 2nd base.

  • 1st base: 5 reps of called exercise
  • 2nd base: 10 reps
  • 3rd base: 15 reps
  • Home plate: 10 Burpees

The exercises by inning:

  1. Carolina Dry Docks/Burpees
  2. Squats/Burpees
  3. Merkins/Burpees
  4. LBCs/Burpees
  5. Monkey Humpers/Burpees
  6. Wide Grip Merkins/Burpees
  7. Plank Jacks/Burpees- 7th inning stretch so be sure to lunge to each base.
  8. Star Jumps/Burpees
  9. L/R Shoulder Taps/Burpees
  10. The game went into extra innings but luckily the home team won the game with a walk-off in the 10th so we’ll run the bases together for a victory lap and end with 5 more Burpees.

95 Burpees in total (give or take a few).  95 to honor the year in which the Braves finally followed through and beat the Cleveland Indians in 6 games to clinch the World Series.Image may contain: hat

We’re not finished yet…


YHC likes to take requests during his Qs so we’ll take a jog to Kildare with pit stops for some of the PAX favs.  Pet Sounds got some revenge on YHC by requesting Makhtar N’Diayes.  They suck and I would like to add those to Joe Smith’s petition to abolish Turkish Getups, more on that later.  Stop at Kildare and perform Monkey Humpers AMRAP for the passing traffic.  Back to the flag with a couple more stops along the way.  We did some Freddie Mercurys, American Hammers and the Oh Face (Ma Bell request).

Circle up for the finale - 41 LBCs followed by Have a Nice Day.


  • Count-a-rama: 12
  • Name-a-rama: 3 RESPECTS, 9 Meh
  • Announcements: Smokey’s 2nd year F3 Anniversary Q is the last Monday of July at A-Team. Flacco’s house party on 7/12. Night Train ruck on 7/13.
  • Prayers/Praises:  Pray for Smokey’s upcoming travel and the many unspoken prayers.

BOM - YHC took us out


Thanks to the 12 HIMs that came out to celebrate YHCs birthday especially those who traveled from abroad to be here.  I’m looking at you Ma Bell.

Shout out to Pet Sounds for accepting the EH from YHC to wake up early after a late night at the Imagine Dragons show.

I HATE Burpees which is exactly the reason why I incorporated them into the workout.  If F3 has taught me anything, it’s that I’m capable of doing more than I think I can.

Joe Smith is leading the charge to abolish Turkish Getups, especially during patriotic themed workouts.  #AbolishTurkishGetups #JustSayNoToTurkeyImage may contain: 6 people, tree and outdoor

It’s been a while since I’ve led a workout and will probably be a while before I lead another but when I do, just know that I will bring the pain so be careful when you Q shop!  It was an honor, thank you for letting me lead the way.

See also