Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery

So it was a week ago that I was reminded of one of my favorite COT traditions, the dipping of the feet in the fountain after Rush Hour. So it inspired me to Q tonight’s edition. Yes, it was a boot camp. It had been a second since I had Q’ed anything other than a ruck, so I thought to myself, what would Frisco do?

Some of you might remember, maybe about a year ago, Frisco decided to Q every day for a week. I believe he called it Frisco’s Reign of Terror. Every day he put a different name on the Q sheet to make us laugh, to keep us interested. He also did it to push himself, to get better. So in true Frisco fashion, when he shows up for his second Q of the week at Claymore, he sees that @WWW is there. And he knows that WWW Q’ed on Monday at A Team. He also knows that WWW is great at writing backblasts and posting them timely, Frisco goes to Slack, pulls up WWW’s backblast, and proceeds to do the EXACT SAME WORKOUT that WWW led on Monday. Classic Frisco, amirite? Even better, he did the old “Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V” and “Find-replace” with WWW’s backblast. So as I was wrapping up work at 5:25 this evening, I did a quick scan of the 1st F channel for a recent backblast. And since I had seen Frisco at Claymore this morning where Wrench had the Q, and since Wrench was doing a Q week, I decided that I might as well (slightly) plagiarize (and modify) Wrench’s workout.

Since I am totally not into the whole brevity thing, I opted to not copy-paste Wrench’s backblast. Also, it’s a beautiful evening to sit in the garage and have an IPA while typing away.

So the workout:

Quasi accurate but fully compliant disclaimer


Mosey over to the grassy area beside the TOC parking deck adjacent to the police station

Warm up: GM IC x5, SSH IC x15, Imperial Walker IC x 10, Calf Stretches

Important part of the warm up (PAX were instructed to pay attention): Squats IC x5, Mericans IC x5, Plank Jacks IC x 5, Bobby Hurleys x5

Head over to the parking deck for…

Thang 1: Deconstructed Manmakers. Run up the ramp to the landing, do 5 Squats IC. Run the next half of the deck, 5 Squats IC plus 5 Mericans IC. Run up the next ramp to the landing, add 5 Plank Jacks IC to the other two. Run the next half of the deck, add 5 Bobby Hurleys (in retrospect it should have been 10 Bobby Hurleys). Run all the way to the top of the deck, do 10 Manmakers.

At this point, YHC requested that Kermit do a 10 count, which he obliged in his usual fashion “two-one, four-three, etc.” and his count was much quicker than I had expected or desired. So, since we had constructed the Manmaker on the way up, might as well deconstruct it on the way back down.

Run down one whole level of the deck to do BH, PJ, Mericans, Squats. Across the deck, do everything minus the BH. Down the ramp, minus the BH and PJ, etc. Get to the bottom, and do 8 count manmakers IC x10. Phew that left me winded, it was tough doing the cadence and movements at the same time! Since Kermit is really bad at 10 counts, Cauliflower does one for us, in normal sequence and at a lovely pace taboot. Time for a light mosey back to Academy street, around the TOC facility, and up to the Pocket Park by the small fountain for…

Thang 2: Vanilla 11s. Grab a piece of the wall, dips on one side, jog to the opposite side, RL step ups. YHC was feeling super gassed and got lapped. But the HIMs with me obliged when I asked them to finish my final round of 10 dips / 1 RL step up.

Mary: Right around this time, it had started to drizzle. It was a very pleasant, cooling early summer drizzle after a hot and humid workout. Mary consisted of LBCs IC x20, Homer to Marge right leg up IC x10, left leg up IC x 10, slow and purposeful Freddy Mercs IC x10, followed by 100s and then 4 count flutter kicks IC x 10, with some protractor work thrown in before segueing into Have a Nice Evening. And the drizzle turned into a little bit more of a rain. The Have a Good Evening in the rain may have been only 20 seconds but it was glorious and felt like an eternity.

Head over to the fountain for shoes off, feet-in-the-water COT. The water was much cooler than expected, dang it was almost cold! Super great way to end a workout.

Countarama: 3, 1 Hate, 1 respect

Announcements: 9/11 stair climb, Christmas party, Odyssey, Christmas party 2021. There was also mention of NE Wake’s “The Deacon” coming up, as well as the Freed to Bleed CSAUP (Completely Smart and Utterly Purposeful) blood drive, see the COT-announcements channel on Slack

Prayers / Praises. For our leaders, for the upcoming announcements of the future of the 20-21 school year, especially considering those at home with special needs kids. For Kermit’s Dad Bob dealing with some chronic pain. For my buddy Dave who at 67 got past some stomach lymphoma to only find out that he also has prostate cancer.

At this point the light rain had turned into a moderately heavy downpour that washed away our sweat while refreshing our bodies and spirits. Right on cue, SkyQ!

YHC took us out.

NMS: It was great to be out there Q-ing a boot camp again!

See also