Piranha Park Pyramids

Forgetting to have picked the Q at last weeks Piranha Park’s hard launch as per site tradition, the Q was chosen at the popup Stone Cutters AO this past Wednesday. YHC had about 3 days to plan what is only my 3rd Q for a 60-minute boot camp. Inspiration struck when I saw the Carpex Core Challenge for the day was an 18-exercise pyramid (thanks Prodigal).


Cloudy and 60 degrees. 9 Pax, no FNGs. Began with the pledge.

Mosey to basketball court and along the way:

  • SSHs, 12 IC
  • A sort of posterior swing like a kettleball, no F3 name so YHC proposed Good yesterdays since they’re a bit like a good morningn but stretching further behind. However, Site Q Earhart overruled this suggestion so henceforth we’re calling them Paul Bunyons, 12 count.
  • Don Quixotes, 12 count. Last week Theismann pointed out that windmills had an F3 name, so a quick dive in the exicon revealed this name. We did them much quicker than abaygos or however it’s spelt.
  • Typewriters, up and down the basketball court twice.
  • Open Concept reminded us to Pick up the trash to leave the site better than whatever teenager 2nd F event had occurred last night.

Mosey towards the shelter and repeato back down the warmup exercises since this is a Pyramid workout.

Tablework at the Shelter

  • Derkins 12 count
  • Dips 14 count
  • Irkins 16 count
  • Bulgarian squats 10 count each leg

Thang 1 - Crawls at the court

  • WMD crawl to the far end of the court. 5 wide arms / 10 wide arm crawl, then 5 merkinss / 10 normal crawl, then 5 diamonds / 10 small arm crawl. The tennis courts are a heckuva lot longer than the picklecourts…also helps if you count left-right as one for the crawls.
  • Run a lap
  • One-legged stiffleg deadlift, 10 each side, getting in some knee PT for all our BRR trainers
  • Bonnie Blairs, 10 IC
  • Squats, 30 count
  • Bonnie Blairs, 10 IC
  • One-legged stiffleg deadlift, 10 each side
  • Run a lap
  • No time for another WMD crawl, but of course we did Bear crawl bridge on our way to the rock bridge

Thang 2 - Upper body DORA

Grab a travelling rock and partner up.

Partner 1 – Travel carry rock overhead around the loop

Partner 2 – Work on the DORA exercises

  • Pullups, 25 count
  • Tricep extensions, 50 count
  • Goblet squats, 75 count
  • Curls, 100 count

Then swap, took about 2 laps.

No time to pyramid down the tablework at the shelter because we still needed to complete the…

Mary: Carpex core challenge choose your adventure 18-exercise pyramid extravaganza

Coming down the pyramid, we did these in doubletime.

1. Chilcutt7. Hello Dolly13. WW2’s (the exicon way)
2. Supermen8. Leg Levers14. Luge
3. Burpees9. Criss-cross15. Half situps
4. Chase the rabbit10. Jackknives16. Kneebenders
5. Aussie snow angels11. Sidebends17. LBCs
6. Flutter kicks12. Oblique LBCs18. Freddie Mercury’s

Even squeezed in a 1-min Runner’s Stretch.



  • Form week coming up
  • Hills challenge soft launch on April 15th

Prayers & praises:

  • Peeping Tom’s new position at work and upcoming nuptials
  • Pet Sounds for continued recovery
  • Hamm for continued recovery and boredom relief


  • In general, reminders to listen to your body, hydrate up, and make sure to stretch.
  • No weinkes or binkies were used in the calling of this workout.
  • Nice coffeeteria with the Greenmilers.


See also