Picture Day

It was Picture Day at Phoenix. Jenn, the FUMC chairwoman for the health ministry at FUMC, agreed to come out and take some pictures for an article she wants to write on F3. It turns out Jenn is also Burt’s spin class instructor. More on that later. With that backdrop, here’s what happeed:


After a circumnavigation of the parking lot consisting of runs, side shuffles, and backward runs, we circled up for

20 x SSH 10 x Merkins IC 20 x Mt Climbers 10 x GM 20 Hillbillies 10 x Burpees OYO

Jog down to the main road and take a park. At the first streetlight, stop and lunge walk to the next light, then reverse lunge to the 3rd light. Burt was suspiciously hanging back with Jenn either making sure he was getting in the picture or making a spin class appointment. Guess we’ll find out soon what was going on there. After a squat hold while we waited for Burt, we jogged down the 100m path towards the New Hampshire dam, stopping halfway for 25 merkins.

At the dam, partner up. P1 runs up the hill and does 5 burpees while P2 does flutter kicks. Flapjack. Next trip up, do 10 burpees. Jog over to the rock pile and get one rock per partner pair. P1 run to the stairs and up to the top for 10 merkins while P2 does rock curls. Flapjack. Next trip, do 15 merkins while partner does rock squats. After some plank-a-rama and merkins while the walkers passed between us, put the rocks back and double applesauce indian run to the kiosk. picking up the six.

Mosey to the amphitheater for a production of Dora 1-2-3 (in what would be the only audible of the day go changed to Dora 1-2-2). That is 100 merkins, 200 squats, and 200 LBCs as a pair. One partner bear crawls up the left aisle lunge walks across the back and runs back down the right aisle while the other partner performs the exercises.

Jog over to the dale and circle up for a round of called exercises around the circle. Each man names an exercise, calls 5 sets of said exercise, then 5 merkins until we get around the circle. YHC timed it perfectly as we finished with 10 seconds to spare. Of course, we were nowhere near the shovel flags but I call Nan’tan priviledge.


Count-a-rama: 16 strong Name-a-rama: 5 respects, 11 Mehs Announcements: Break The Silence 5K today at the WakeMed Soccer Park; The Bull and Michelob Qing Whiplash next week; Churham/CarPEX convergence and CarPEX family picnic on May 6th. Prayers: Troller’s father and other members of family; Earhart and Ma Bell’s colleague; Walker Ranger and M as they consider adoption BOM: Ma Bell took us out


  • It was an honor and a pleasure to lead today. The last time YHC Q’d at Phoenix, there were only 2 of us. In the snow #snowpees
  • Great job, Red Dawn, for pushing after having been out for a while.
  • It was great to have Troller back in town, even though it was under less than pleasant circumstances for him. He’ll continue to stay in CarPEX’ prayers
  • Callie, you can take it away from here

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