Pickles and Wheelbarrows

19 Strong for this last Q of 6. Pledge of Allegiance

Pax feeling strong as we mosey to farthest points of Bond Park so that innocent eyes may be spared of what’s to come.

Warm up Steve Earle - Squat to a Hillbilly Theismann - Affectionately named by Ma Bell - Arm circle with coordinated foot circle out front Nancy Kerrigan - Leaning forward on one leg, with other leg extended back, circle arms Good Morning 100 Pickle Pointer - The opposite of a Pickle Pounder, from your six, lean back and rest on elbow to form an inverted plank, thrust pickle to the stars in cadence. This might have caused a few pax to blush. Not sure you’ll see this one become a regular.

Mosey to the Trail Kiosk

Thang 1 Wheelbarrow 7’s - LBCs at the top, calf raises at the bottom. Wheelbarrow up switching with your partner as often as possible, run down. Modify as necessary us used liberally.

Mosey to the top of the dam

Thang 2 Pax Choice Mary - Partner up. P1 does whatever Mary you want while P2 runs 100 yrds, flapjack.

Mosey back to the flag via the wet open field charging the hill as we go.

Mary Homer to Marge, Superman, Merkins, Windmill, Mountain Climber, Have a nice day

COT Announcements - Odyssey, Band-aids Prayer - Scarecrow is off the Army boot camp - prayers for good health and mental endurance

NMS Thanks to everyone for supporting me throughout this Bday Q week. YHC is humbled by the brotherhood of F3 and am very grateful to be a part of this community. Thank you for allowing me to contribute in the ways God has gifted me.

See also