Pickle Madness

YHC had a plan - hit as many of the parking lot pickles as we could. After a brief walkthrough (and some pre-workout Pokemon GO), we were ready.

FNG Check (nice save on the new PAX remembering his name from the day before) / Disclaimer / Pledge / Farewell to the Bruisers / FOLLOW ME

Lap around the home pickle, out the south exit, turn back up Maury Odell, back trail to the Community Center. Circle up for GM / IW / SSH / TT / SM.

Partner up for some Pickle-cides.
Partner 1 - BTTW for the first two rounds, option to modify to Dips/Erkins for last two rounds.
Partner 2 - run the pickle, adding an island each time.

Mosey out to Metro Park Dr and head east - stopping for 5 star jumps at every light pole. Hold at the intersection - mosey to the amphitheater lot.

Loop the pickle in opposite directions from your partner. Every time you meet, do 10 partner clap merkins. Stay in the grass if you’re on the road. Loop twice.

Mosey out to the easternmost lot. Paint the lines up one end of the pickle (change directions per HGTV), On the back end, bearcrawl 2 spaces, do a merkin all the way back.

Bid farewell to Callahan and Loom. It was fun my dudes.

Mosey southwest to the smallest pickle of the day for some speed work - three laps with an increasing speed sprint on the last half.

Mosey to the Buehler shelter, repartner up and
Partner 1 - AMRAP LBCs
Partner 2 - Run the square pickle
Two rounds.

Mosey to the kiosk. Not a pickle, but run up the hill and mosey back down three times. Recover at the top, and mosey back to the flag.

Rejoin the bruisers for Mary.


COR/NOR - 6 RESPECTs, 9 meh, 1 canine

Mule next week (Pam’s to follow)
Burgaw week after
F3 Mental Health Awareness week after that

Cataracts recovery + other bruisers
Our leaders and soldiers


Don’t wait till Monday morning to write your Saturday backblast. I could’ve sworn The Commish did the boot camp, but recounting everyone, I think he bruised. Memory is wacky y’all. Make it a great WEEK!

See also