Pick Up Your 6

“Who you spend time with is who you become. Proximity is power.” - Tony Robbins

This quote came across my Twitter feed this weekend and I loved it. Right away it made me think of my F3 brothers.  The ones I see everyday that help make me better.  Not only physically but also, through fellowship and faith, a better man, husband, dad, son, coworker…you name it.  I sat there proud thinking of the people I surround myself with because of the good it does in my life.

But then Sunday night came around… And through a series of circumstances my wife and I found ourselves reaching out to someone who was sitting in one of their deepest darkest valleys of their life.  And, giving all glory to God, I can say their situation has improved.  Not by much but enough to have hope.

And it’s where these two events intersect that I want to say something. When we’re out in the gloom we pick up the 6.  We see the guy in the back that needs some extra motivation, needs someone to meet him where he is, and needs some guys to come along side him to encourage him and get him to the group.

We can celebrate how the people in our lives make US better but in doing so let’s not lose sight of the 6 in our lives.  

I encourage us all to be aware of the people around us in our everyday lives.  It’s natural to gravitate to those who are like us, who are as happy and outgoing as we are.  Same life and financial circumstances.  It’s just easier.

But in doing so don’t keep running ahead without looking back!

Run back and meet guys in the back of the pack that need you! Get along side them and encourage them! And if you need to, pick em up, dust em off, and carry them. Make them better even if it slows you down, they need you right now!

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33b 

Warm Up

SSH, Good Morning, SF Arm Circles, Overhead Claps

The Thang

Jack Webbs on a String:  Running to the bridge stop for 3 sets of JWs, 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 1 Merkin : 4 Air Presses Bridge Sprint and Crabs:  4 Half bridge sprints and 2 sets of 10 : Crab Cakes and Crab Jacks alternating each end of the bridge Lt Dans on a String:  Running back from bridge stop for 3 sets of LTDs, 1-3, 4 and 6?, 5 and 7?…Qluster count… Rock Webbs:  Rock your bodies and merkins with a parking lot lap between each set 1 Rock Your Body : 4 Merkins   /  Then run lap

Mini Mary Dora:  Partner up for mini dora with partner running to crosswalk for 5 hand release merkins and back / flapjack 50 WWIIs, 100 Flutter Kicks, 150 LBCs


  • Check www.f3carpex.com/calendar for events
  • Looking for a leader to lead us in Backpack Buddies
  • Pick up your 6!
  • WKRPs Sister-in-law’s sister
  • CD’s meeting with Uconn
  • All those unspoken
  • Babies are coming!  Blue n Out and Aspertame


Thanks everyone.  I love leading you guys! Shut-In

See also