Phoenix Rising From The Arctic

Rising from days of snow and arctic air the 20 HIM at Phoenix this morning ended their week on the lofty heights of another Carpex beatdown. Here’s how it went:

Warm-up: No FNG’s so no disclaimer and we were off jogging from the starting flag up the road to the next parking lot. Then, circled up for some SSH (IC), Imperial Walkers, Good Mornings, and Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward, then backward.

Thang 1: Each PAX member grabbed some curb space for 4 different exercises: quick feet 10 count IC, curb merkins x 10, plank janks 10 count IC, and mountain climbers 10 count IC. Each PAX member led a different exercise down line and repeating until the end of the line: 20 PAX members / 4 exercises = 5 rounds total.

Thang 2: Partnered up for “catch me if you can.” We started at that parking lot and ran all the way to the park entrance. One partner did 10 merkins while the other did prisoner run. For those who finished first there was Mary to work on our abs.

Thang 3: From the park entrance we ran back to the starting parking lot, pausing at each light pole for an exercise. Disco Duck picked burpees for the first set. So, for the first light pole we did 1 burpee, second light pole we 2 burpees, and so on until at the fifth light pole 5 burpees and then began counting down, so at the sixth light pole 4 burpees and so on.  For those who finished first there was Mary to work on our abs.

Repeato of Thang 2 and Thang 3 for two more times. Instead of burpees, on the second set of Thang 3 we did squats and then Carolina Dry Docks on the third set.

After the end of set 3 on Thang 3 we ran to the flag and ran out of time.


Announcements - February 17th Phoenix will be closed for us to converge at Ambassador in Raleigh to support Chinese Downhill; BRR sign up is available (ask Hermes if you don’t know what BRR stands for); be on the look out for more information about the Mule CSAUP; free Marriage Conference will be held Feb. 2nd and 3rd at Sovereign Grace Church in Apex where Tortoises AO is held, here is website for more info: Free child-care offered.

Prayer - Kermit’s father recovering from rotator cuff surgery; Hello Kitty’s work crew traveling a lot next week to some rural areas of NC.


After nearly a week of fighting a cold it felt great to be back outside to workout with my F3 brothers. It also felt great after the cold and snow to see an end in sight. No down and dirty in the snow for me. I wanted to stick to the pavement. There were a few icy spots but no causalities from anybody falling. Blame Disco Duck for picking burpees for the first set of Thang 3. Well done, Duck!

Thank you, Men, for the privilege of leading this morning.

See also