Phoenix 4/28/18 -- 2010's

24 PAX came out for this workout that arose for the ashes like the AO’s namesake.  Cary’s Spring Days limited access to all the places YHC wanted to use.  After the Warm-ups, everything else was an improvisation.

We jogged off to our usual warm-up spot which was now named the Purple Parking Lot.  Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, and Beyonce among others started out with us.  Unfortunately, the Respects in the group were not impressed.  So we switched halfway through to the 80’s to shouts of glee from the PAX in general.


Side Straddle Hop, Good Mornings, Overhead Clap, Merkins, Calf Stretch

We got into 4 teams each with a sandbag.  Short run to the kiosk, but the kiosk was in use as a traffic entrance to parking on the grass.  We continued on the path to an open space to the lake.  It was a beautiful view.

Thing 1

In teams, we engaged in a Tunnel of Love from the path to the lakeside.  The mumble chatter and complaints were legendary but not as great as when we attempted the Bridge of Pain.  It looked good in the Lexicon, but even with Tecumseh’s help in orchestrating, we were unable to execute.  Although YHC must admit the mosh pit experience was quite interesting.

Fellowship run over the dam, down the stairs, and over to the rock pile.

Thing 2

3 sets of rock rows, curls, presses, and triceps extensions changing rocks after each set.  YHC learned he was definitely not as strong as the PAX 2 stones to his left.  The heavyweight rock nearly resulted in a closed head injury during the triceps extension!

We took a short run to the big field.

Thing 3

While in Sandbag teams, one man calls exercise for the team while one runs with the sandbag.  Two rounds of this and then a fellowship run back to the senior center for some Mary.


American Hammer, Freddy Mercurys, Plank variations, Merkins, Boat Canoe, Have a Nice Day


The Maynard is starting up again.  Tuesday Funeral for Hi-Liters dad more details on Slack.


Hi-Liters family at the passing of his father.  Sooey’s friend’s family at a death in their family.


I Am The Six

21 months ago on July 29, 2016, Blue Crush introduced me to F3 at Danger Zone.  I weighed 249 pounds, had been sedentary for almost 2 decades, just received a diagnosis of Diabetes Type 2 with an A1C level of 10.2 (normal is lower than 6.5), and could not run the whole pickle even once without stopping to walk.  Just showing up 3 times a week was a stretch that required ice and ibuprofen after each posting.   No matter how slowly I ran or how much I modified the exercises that were called, someone always hung back with me or encouraged me.  In those early days, Burt, Term Paper, and Katniss were a big help in keeping me coming back.

270 posts later, I still run slowly, but I can run farther and keep up with the group.  I still modify, but not as much and not for as many exercises.  Nonetheless, someone always comes back for me or hangs with me.  I have dropped 35 pounds and my A1C level is now 6.1 (in the normal range).  That is thanks to the encouragement of all of you every time I post.

Acceptance and encouragement are rare among men.  We are a gender prone to competition and harsh teasing of those who come in last.  This acceptance and encouragement are key ingredients that make F3 a special place to workout and share community.  There is a sense that everyone has your back and wants you to succeed in whatever goals you are trying to achieve.  Today, having just turned 57, I have realized I am the six and I have your backs.  SYITG.

See also