Perfect weather at B in B

The forecast was calling for a high probability of rain, so the day before YHC scoped out a dry parking garage up the road from the AO Back in Black. No matter the weather, the parking garage was a perfect place for 8 HIM to do some strong work at the earliest AO in Carpex. After the pledge and a botched disclaimer (there were no FNGs anyway, but per Ma Bell via Hermes we’re always supposed to be giving the disclaimer) we warmed up.

Warm-up consisted of some good mornings and stretching and arm circles. Then, we partnered up for catch me if you can up the hill to the parking garage. One partner did prisoner run while the other 10 merkins.

At the parking garage we did a series of weird stuff, like ladders with burpees, CDC’s, squats, and WWII’s. We also did bear crawls and crab walks.

We ran short on time and ran back to the flag Indian Run style with High Splits setting the pace. Being a site Q at Phoenix, YHC thinks every workout should be an hour long.

Back at the flag for COT, prayers were lifted up for Joe Smith, his one wife, and their baby to be born any time now.

YHC had not Q’d in months. It felt great to be out there again, and even Blue Water said he got a good workout. Congrats to High Splits coming out for his second workout. He’s hooked now. Expect to see him around a lot more. Thank you, men, for the opportunity to lead.

See also