Perfect Timing

YHC rolled into Sovereign Grace Church to notice 2019 HOTY candidate Theisman doing ECP all by his lonesome. Although PAX were gathering in the parking lot, this called for a few ECP to make sure the ol’ QB was not lonely. At 0529 we joined the other 20 in the normal gathering spot for Tortoises. Disclaimer was disclaimed, and off we did not go.

Warm Up

Circle up, 10 burpees OYO to calm the chatter. Allegiance is pledged, and YHC realizes that another 2019 HOTY candidate, WWW, has arrived late. Clearly an attempt to stand out in the crowd and overshadow his competitors. 10 burpees OYO. On to the standard warmup - SSHs, Good Mornings, Steve Earles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Seal Claps, Plank Jacks and Control Freak Merkins.

The Thang

Partner up, grab some F3 Blocks for a Dora 123 consisting of:

  • 100 Merkins/Apple Turnover across the parking lot
  • 200 Curls/Apple Turnover
  • Intermission 1: mosey to the church wall for cadence 10 count of BTTW shoulder taps
  • 300 block squats/mosey to pullup bar for 10/5/3 reps
  • Return the blocks
  • 10 burpees on the Down
  • Intermission 2: Another round of BTTW shoulder taps
  • Not yet Merkin’d out - 100 more merkins with your partner/AMRAP pullups


Captain Thor up to 10:40. Have a Nice Day.


Pretty much everyone was either a Hate or a Respect. Total = 22

Announcements: TCP Sawgrass

Prayers/Praises: Dust Bowl, Hermes, Sooey recovering from surgery, Ausfarht’s continued recovery, YHC’s umpire partner Wally having surgery today. Water Wings’ business partner loss of a grandparent. YHC took us out.


  • Many of you know that YHC rolled an ankle at FMJ the day before, so running was banned today. Good thing I wasn’t Q’ing Vespers.
  • Most of you don’t know that Biner is being investigated for tripping YHC. Apex police are involved.
  • Earhart claims that Disco Duck would have called more burpees. Water Wings was just there for the pull-ups.
  • Ninjago is a beastly young man and has the Q at Tortoise next week. You were warned.
  • YHC enjoys striking up conversations with PAX during the Apple Turnover.
  • TClaps to Meatloaf for bringing all 30 of his kids to post with him. May need a bigger van.
  • MIAGD, be a little better today than you were yesterday!

See also