
QIC: Riptide.

Big crowd for a muggy Riptide Q. Just as we’re about to launch, a car screams into the parking lot. It’s the triumphant return of Joe Smith.

Mosey to Koka Booth parking lot for the warm up. Mosey to the rock pile, partner up, and grab a rock. Mosey to American Tower.

Thing 1: Partner rock work. Partner 1 stays with the rock for 8-step rock-your-body. Partner 2 runs up the American Tower hill, does 2 burpees, runs down the hill, crawl-bears back up the hill, 2 starjumps, runs back. Repeato, repeato.

Thing 2: Variation on Thing 1. Partner 1 does rock presses and curls. Partner 2 runs up the hill, 2 burpees, runs down the hill, runs back up it backwards, 2 starjumps, runs back.

Indian run back to the flag. Boat/canoe, have a nice day. Riptide takes us out.


Everyone was glad to see Joe Smith. He’s been keeping in shape via the Peloton, but nothing can compare to live fire of a Riptide Q. We were all struggling, though, especially on the up-the-hill crawlbears.

Chops has the Q next week. Chops is a runner!

See also