Pee-wee's Big Adventure

Weather: clear, brisk 29 degrees.
Scene at 5:43 a.m.: 16 dudes gathered around (a couple even performed Insomnia before the Main Event). YHC was standing in the center of the circle on his used-new Flip Flop door mat gifted from Burt. One of the 16 dudes was FNG Anthony, EH’d by Captain Kirk, who rode in on his 10 speed. There stood FNG Anthony; holding a water bottle, and dressed very warmly in 4 layers up top, and 3 layers down low (as you would if you just biked in 29 degree weather).
At 5:44 a.m., YHC orated (mostly to FNG) what was gonna be a comprehensive F3 Mission and Disclaimer…..but then out of the corner of my eye, YHC saw the Nantan himself, Shut-In, standing next to FNG Anthony…….and I got super nervous and stuttered through sorta a Disclaimer. Shutty was not impressed….at all. From there, 10 did the boot camp, 4 did the Maynard, and 2 did Vesper.

The last Q at Shakin’ Not Stirred in 2020. While I’ve read a lot of “this year has been challenging….this year has looked different….this year has been confusing and hard…”, but there’s one thing that hasn’t changed: YHC delivered another flawless Q, littered in perfect cadences and impeccable fitness design. Of note, the botched Disclaimer to FNG doesn’t count as part of the Q, which was flawless, because Disclaimer was orated at 5:44 a.m. before the actual workout started (pro move).

Pledge led by Sabre. Reaction Action x 5 reps. Circle the Wagons whilst performing butt kicks, side skips, and carioca. Continue jogging to Community Center lot. It was right then and there that warm-up exercises were performed in perfect cadence by YHC*mb: Invisible Jump Rope, Good Mornings–>Phelps Arm Swings, Merkins–>Mountain Climbers, AirForceOne, Saturday Nite Stretch.
Jog around the Community Center lot and Paint Some Lines along the way. End up at the top of the hill leading to the kiosk.

Thang 1
Partner Up. Partner 1 runs down the hill to kiosk and performs x 5 Sumo Jump Squats, then runs back up hill to partner. In the meantime, partner 2 performing AFAP x 10 Side Straddle Hops–>x 10 Merkins–>x 10 Plank Jacks. Repeato x 3 sets.
*** It was after the first set that FNG Anthony said to YHC “I think I’m overdressed” and he proceeded to de-layer his heavy ski gear.

Thang 1.5
x 20 Low Slow Flutters. Then we ran via Metro Park Drive to the shelter across from the playground. Along the way performed ascending Burpees x 2 at every other lightpole until Bond Park Drive, then descending Burpees x 2 until we got to the shelter. There were some Freddie Mercs and LBCs executed too.

Thang 2
Partner Dora. 50 Irkins, 75 dips, 100 right-left step-ups. Partner 1 runs the parking lot loop while Partner 2 getting ripped. Then do some plank series and Shakiras before we leave the shelter and jog towards the boathouse to the Trailhead Kiosk. It was there that we knocked out some American Hammers and some Bobby Hurleys before we ran up the hill and knocked out some more American Hammers and Bobby Hurleys.

***Mind you, FNG Anthony had no idea who Bobby Hurly was, nor did he know the many movie and movie references that were being discussed by the PAX during the workout.

We jogged to the World Famous Bond Park Billy Line and broke out the full Billy Run to the Shovel Flag. Lastly, we did some American Hammers—YHCs tailbone was comfortably safe on my used-new Flip Flop doormat.

Count-a-rama: 16 mostly mehs, a couple Respeks (even Squatter), and one hate–21 year old FNG.
Name-a-rama: including naming the FNG Pee-wee. Why? He knew zero of the old movies the PAX were referring to during the beatdown, and he rode to the workout on his bike. LaMond was thrown out there, but quickly dismissed as too cool. Welcome Pee-wee !!!!!
Announcements: something about a Duck Donut run sign up, TCP Sawgrass is on this weekend.
Prayers/Praises and Banjo took us out like a pro.

Nekkid Mole Skin
* YHC told Pee-wee that he was working out with the best athletes in the Cary-Apex area, but after Pee-wee glanced around, he was not convinced.
* Them Maynard runners sure are goofy aren’t they? They show up in time for COT, but don’t actually come over until 4-5 minutes later. They take their sweet time while going to their cars to beautify themselves before COT. It’s ridiculous. GTL was in his car looking in the mirror for several minutes; fixing his hair (that’s singular).
* Did you know the long standing tradition of Qing the last workout of the year at Shakin’ Not Stirred? You get a super sweet custom koozie from the site-Qs. Mine was a leather koozie with a hand sewn University of Georgia logo. Freakin’ sweet!!!!
* Of note, I was a bit sore today because me and Peeerogi cleaned out our gutters yesterday: 2 Dummies and a Ladder. Peeerogi was more sore than me, because we not only cleaned the gutters, but at my house he changed an outdoor spotlight that was 40 feet off the ground, nailed up chicken wire on a gable, and took down the remainder of a Satellite Dish on my roof. Then, he gave me a six-pack. Something backwards about that, but Peeerogi is some neighbor and I’m happy that he lives two doors over.

twas a pleasure.
luv, Flip Flop

See also