Pearls on an Elastic String

It was a beautiful, crisp morning in the gloom. Eleven men set out to exercise. Much to the disappointment of the younguns, there were no respects wearing Depends. The younguns thought it would be an easy workout and they’d get a real workout later. They would learn differently soon. The rule of the day was if you arrived at the meeting spot before the Six was in, you were to circle back to Pick Up The Six so that all the PAX would arrive together.

There were no FNGs. A brief synopsis of the purpose of F3 was given (something about invigorating small men). The pledge was recited and off we went for a quick tour of the main parking lot to circle up for Warm-ups.

Warm-up – Good Mornings, 5; Side Straddle Hop, 25; Merkins, 15

The Thang – We ran from the parking lot to the trail junction (several PAX circled back to pick me up) where we did Freddy Mercuries, 15. We ran to the beginning of the rail to the bridge (again they came back to get me) and did some exercise but by now I was oxygen deprived and don’t remember what it was. Then we ran over the bridge and down the hill to start a set of 11’s on the hill – Merkins at the bottom and Jump Squats at the top. When the fast guys were finished, they were instructed to sprint the distance of the bridge and mosey back until the rest of the PAX finished their 11’s (this tired them out for sure). Once everyone was done, we ran back to the rail at the beginning of the bridge and did some exercise for 15 reps (or maybe not, I was delirious by then). Off to the junction, where we did American Hammers, 15 reps (my second wind kicked in at this point). Off to the parking lot where we warmed up for Mary.

Mary – LBCs, 15; Homer to Marge, 15; Low Slow Flutter, 15; Superman Flutter, 15. Have a Nice Day.

COT – Sawgrass was scheduled for the upcoming Sunday at 2 PM. Listen to the Relationship Road Trip for a special on Veterans.

Pax Count – 11 with 5 Respects and 6 M

YHC took the PAX out with Prayer.

See also