Pearls on a Rope

Last-minute Q opening. Site Q has it covered. 5 PAX are ready to go at 5:15.

Forgot my watch. Bluewater promises to keep me updated on time. ThankBlueForHisLeadership.

Pledge. Mosey to the Koka Booth Main Gate. Warm Up. Reveal that I’ve hidden a 50-foot battle rope. PAX grab ahold 10 feet apart (mandatory social distancing) and we lug the rope from spot to spot around the parking lot. At each spot, we do three, one-minute exercises I pulled from Insanity Pure Cardio. I use one of my kids’ discarded flashing toothbrushes to keep the one-minute time. Over the course of the 45 minutes, the minutes feel longer and longer.

Example of exercises:

  • Switch kicks
  • Wide football sprints
  • Stance Jacks
  • Hooks and Jump rope
  • Level 2 drills
  • Frog Jumps
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Ski Down
  • Half-Burpee Jumps
  • Push up jacks

Lug the rope back to the flag (crossing the 2-mile mark in the process), Mary, COT (prayers for BW’s upcoming vacation into the SC Hot Zone), YHC takes us out.

5 for 5 at NYBIII after.


Some of those Insanity moves are really tough. Folks (YHC included) were wiped out by 6:00.

I was inspired to try out this workout by Tecumseh’s recent Qs. You know you’re a HIM when someone who hasn’t actually attended one of your Qs is influenced by you.

I expanded my weekly NYBIII order to include the usual bagels plus their new pizza dough.

Starting my day by drinking coffee with 4 friends improves my life so much.

See also