Peaches & The Giant Winkie

Welp… YHC has been in town now for 3 months, so it was due time to stop making excuses and get to Q’ing.

At this point, I’ve had the privilege to meet most of ya in the gloom. If we’ve mumblechattered together, you probably have heard a few things that I do and don’t like when called by a Q.

1. I hate bearcrawling

2. I’m a fan of a good winkie

3. I overcomplicate things

So the goal for my first Q in Carpex was to avoid bearcrawls, have a giant winkie (TWSS), and not overcomplicate it. My boy Short Shale in Hickory had a motto for all of his Q’s.

K.I.S.S - He always said it stood for “Keep it stupid simple”, but we all know he really meant “Keep it simple stupid”.

So that’s what I did - here we go!


Pledge of Allegiance (Fact - we never did this in Hky (or at least not that I remember) - Schlitz set me straight on this one).
Good Mornings
Time to mosey AFMS football field/track… and mosey a long way.

(Fact - the campus of Apex Friendship feels like a city within a city. It’s quite impressive).

The Thang

Another thing YHC always does when Q’ing - assuming that 45 minutes is longer than it really is. So today’s Thang was cut in half, but it still sucked.

There were 6 exercises in total for today’s workout. Simple enough, but I’ve learned over the years that a nice group winkie is never a bad thing. So YHC showed up a bit early this morning, place a giant winkie midfield and got to give the PAX a pleasant surprise when we finally showed up.

The 6 Exercises:
1. Merkins
2. ABC Abs
3. Sumo Squats (there are apparently several variations out there - I’m a fan of seeing those sumo dance moves I saw out there)
4. Seal Clap-LESS (did I mention, clapping on any work is another thing that just isn’t supposed to happen?)
5. LBCs
6. Copperhead Squats.

These exercises were performed on the 4 corners of the football and two midfield sidelines. I let the PAX pick their poison with the only requirement being finishing on copperhead squats.

To start off the Thang, we all bought in with 5 burpees. The proceeded to our portion of the spoke. After that was completed, PAX would run back to the center and do 5 more burpees. This was done until all 6 exercises were complete. Then there was a nice little 5 burpee buyout, followed by a lap around the track (normal run lap one, backpedal lap two).

Round 1: 40 reps each exercise
Round 2: 30 reps each exercise
(In my original plan, we were supposed to go to 10 - that clearly didn’t happen. Good thing we started at 40!)

After we all had enough/I knew we were going to be pushing it to get back to the flag, YHC prompted the PAX to mosey back complete with chests on fire, soggy feet, and wimpy legs.


11 dudes showed up today and got better. We were graced with the presence of 2 FNGs - Outlaw and Common Core. Prayers lifted for Lipstick’s M as she is dealing with complications in her pregnancy. YHC took it out.


  • I also learned another lesson during the COT from Sir Site Q Schlitz as I was informed I did the whole COT thing out of order. I can’t help I wasn’t raised up in the order of the Carpex, but I promise I will do better next time.
  • I shared a quick WOD during the COT. It literally was a word of the day. That word was “gratitude”. Gratitude is something I have felt continuously since moving to the area. The love and support that all you HIMs have given to my family and I have been absolutely incredible. When looking for places to live, making sure there was an F3 group around us was a major factor. But man, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined landing in such a place like Carpex. HK said it best - “Who has it better than us?” That’s the truth fellas. Never take that for granted.
  • I kept my promise - no bearcrawls. Hold me to my word there!
  • As always, my efforts to keep it simple actually made it more complicated. I suppose I can still work on that. Or maybe I’m just trying to give y’all a mental workout at 0530.

Thanks for making me feel right at home here in Carpex. I love you dudes!

Peaches, out!

Ps. - Schlitz, is this Backblast up to your standards?

See also