Peaceful Transitions

A few months ago at regular Wolverine coffeteria Hi-Liter and Biner were talking about who would be the next Site-Qs.  That’s when our eyes met and the rest is history

Biner did the same thing to BOGO, but it looked like this:

It was weird, but it worked.

All kidding aside, I think I can speak for BOGO in that we were both excited to take on the role and really look forward to seeing how the site evolves over the upcoming year.

After rigorous planning the stage was set for this morning!

Hi-Liter led us off with a moving speech about the site, then passed it over to Biner who also moved and grumbled.  On to the Pledge and jaunt around the pickle, then circle up for some warm-up on the north soccer field.  Out-going Q’s led us in their favorite “warm up exercises” of 10 Wolverines and a bunch of Boat-Canoes (Geek Squad made the faux pas of trying to count boats).  Luckily, Franklin quickly corrected.

On to the BOGO portion at the Rock Pile. Where we’d buy one get one of some rock exercises while taking breaks with some cross field sprints with more Wolverines:

20 Curls for Girls -> Sprint with 1 Wolverine on opposite sideline

20 Curls for Girls -> One Good Morning, Sprint with 2 Wolverines on opposite sideline

20 Skull Crushers -> Sprint with 3 Wolverines on opposite sideline

20 Skull Crushers -> Sprint with 4 Wolverines on opposite sideline

20 Overhead Presses -> Sprint with 3 Wolverines on opposite sideline

20 Overhead Presses -> spring with 2 Wolverines on opposite sideline

Now that the Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V portion of the back blast is done it was YHC’s turn to lead:

Jog over to the other field where the PAX line up and partner up for Biner’s Suicide S.M.I.L.E.  Partner one runs Suicides based on cones that no one could see.  While other partner does AMRAP Squats. Flapjack then same thing with Merkins, Irkins, Lunges, E2Ks.

Everyone back to the line and get in plank for the PAX Pivot Plank.  PAX in line hold plank while one at the end bear crawls to the beginning but at a right angle, essentially Pivoting the line.  Repeat, but with burpees instead of Plank.

Head to bball court for some Mary

-Dying Cock-a-Roaches, Side Plank Starfish Crunches, American Hammers, WW2s and I think that’s it.

Count-o-rama - 22


  • 9/11 Stair climb
  • Collecting kid themed band-aids (not used)
  • family picnic this Sunday (TBD…thanks Flo)

Prayers for Loom’s daughter, Disco’s M, Michelob’s daughter, and any other unsaid prayers…praises that BRR bro’s all came back in one piece and better friends for it.

Finally head over to the picnic shelter for Sous-Vide egg bites, fruit salad, OJ, and some Cold Brew supplied by your excited and humbled new Wolverine Site Qs.

See also