Peace at SWW / Crazy sheet abroad

YHC loves his annual (less if it can be avoided) trips to AOs below Route 1 but the Friday ones are doubly special. Once a DZ’er, always a DZ’er after all.  But with the holiday-ish week upon us and the 2.0s not yet in school, tis the time to commit to a 20+ minute commute and see how the other half lives.

And boy is it a different world down here in Car-ner Springs. At least 35 minutes of the workout were consumed by discussions of insurance premiums, high deductible plans and whatever the hell PEOs are.  YHC regretted not bringing a set of clubs just to fit it. Certainly none of the discussion of hangovers, football and weekend shenanigans we’re used to up in the northeast.  Not even a single ride-up theme song was heard.  SMH.

It ain’t all negative though.  Half was there!


Eight Nine Ten Eleven met up in the 5:10 gloom for 7800F prerun.  “This is the most ever for a prerun,” YHC was assured by a giddy Sub as we rolled out precisely on time.

“I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact Hermes couldn’t find a track with a hole in the fence,” I responded. To whit, the god of speed quickened his pace and before anyone knows it, Oofta is breathing as heavy as… well… as me as we make our way towards Kryptonite.  Luckily Denali was there to keep us company (translation: he passed us) so we didn’t feel all alone.

End result: PR 5K (at least according to my Strava data).


As we caught our breath back in the parking lot, six more HIM pulled up. Clearly they were waiting for the rain to subside. Smart dudes down here in Holly-ary. Then, with a gentle reminder from Chipper or maybe Staubach (I get those mustaches confused), it’s time for the ME. We Pledged and were off.


Start off with a mosey around the flat-as-a-pancake-and-therefore-not-challenging-at-all pickle (the DZ pickle features an 8.5 % grade perfectly architectured for optimal pickling) just in case Ford decides to show up. High-knees and butt-kickers to loosen up the legs a bit.

Circle up for: GMs (7x), windmills (8x), Sir Fazio (15 total front and back), show of hands for DZ participation (disappointingly large five), Merkins (20x). Maybe a few other things but I forget those.

Disclaimer that we’re about to cross a busy street (a feature DZ was wisely designed to avoid unless absolutely necessary — or Riptide is Q’ing) and to stick together.


Mosey past Lochbains to Lockwinds which is just next to the Fairways of Lochmere.  Why? Turns out this is the 2nd best hill in all of CARPEx (ahead of the dam at SnS which, if it were mowed more often, would be a strong contender for the silver) and which was sadly underutilized during the CSAUP in the fall.

Partner up (the PAX were skerred so YHC remained unpartnered) for Hill Dora (Hora doesn’t quite have the right ring to it). 100 Merkins / 200 LBCs / 300 Plank-jacks. Alternate running up the hill forwards and backwards to work the legs a bit differently.

After the Hora, proceed into the grass 2/3rds of the way up said hill for compass work. 5x merkins each N-E-S-W… plank jacks… nipplers… 10x merkins each N-E-S-W. PAX is gassed (Q has barely broken a sweat though it is strangely raining down his shirt and forehead) so no progression to 15.

Mosey back along the greenway towards the Highland Bluffs of Lochmere but not quite to the Loch Highland estates. A few stops along the way for dips, squats and lunges because 6:23.


Half’s hair and Denali’s shirt are still dry.

Freddy Mercuries 20x IC L/R Heal Touches 20x IC Superman ~20

Half’s hair and Denali’s shirt are still dry. Bummer.


17 awesome dudes were encouraged to visit their fellow Car-PAX.


  • New AO (Point Break) opening on Wednesday. Standing prerun (Ambien) at 5 and 3rdF (Escalator) immediately following. Basically like SNS … but South.
  • HGTV shared with the PAX a 3rdF retreat opportunity that sounded very much up F3’s alley. Check out COT posting for details:
  • And now for something complelye different…. #2ndF opportunity. Cary Theater is showing “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” this weekend. YHC is planning to catch the 7PM show.


Repeato provided a deep and insightful assessment of what’s happening in the Middle East. Prayers for our leaders, our men and women in uniform (RED) and the boys and girls in the region.

YHC took us out


  • Kidding aside, good peeps and great camaraderie down here in Lochmere Forest West (just next to Lochridge Lakeside).
  • 37F but dry is a lot warmer than 49F and wet
  • Hermes has speed. Denali and Wonderbread have effortless speed.
  • New Site Qs but the coffee at SWW is still da bomb
  • Watch out for Siberian Huskies near Greens of Lochmere. They prey on smaller pups from the Lochsides.

See also