Thank you BO Site Q/ Twitter Owner whoever you are for reminding me of my Q this am.  I was well on my way to Cave Workout until I saw the tweet.   Whew.

Hating that I will miss the 1776 workout on the 4th (no, not really), I thought it would be fun to do a thematic workout this morning.    I busted out the red-white-blue apron and wore it over my USA Tank.   Budweiser Flag Trucker Hat.    Boom.

A beautiful morning it was.  Low 60’s clear.    Shovel flag planted.   Extra tanks displayed for those who want to experience the full effect of TTT.  WKRP, Mississippi and Jiggly Puff donned them.    WKRP put his tank over his shirt…kinda like wearing socks with sandals.   WKRP is rocking the workouts these days…pushing it.   Good work my man.

Country Club Car shows up….Nabs and Term Paper pop out fresh from mixer at the Club.

5:45.   No FNG’s.  18 Pax, including both site Q’s,  6 respects and 3 Hates (not counting my good friend Cally).   We are off.


  • Quick jog over to the parking lot.   Circle up.
  • 17 SSH, 6 Merkins, 7 GM, 17 Little Baby JJ’s, 7 IW,  6 cotton pickers
  • Jog to the bottom of the street.


  • Set of 7’s with Jump Squats and Merkins
  • 17 Burpees OYO
  • Jog over to the Little Ceaser Parking lot.   Pizza Pizza…BTW where is Repeato when you need him….oh yeah…his new little one Baird Vance Repeato was born right about…..NOW.  CONGRATS.  CONGRATS.  (Credit to Banjo). 
  • Set of 6’s.    Jump Knee Tucks and Hand Release Merkins.
  • Plank around with each counting to 7.
  • Jog to the Bank Plaza.
  • Circle Up.
  • Plank around with each counting to 6.
  • Mary:  17 LBC, 7 Flutter Kicks and 6 Freddy Mercs
  • Set of stationary 7’s with Plank Jacks and Diamond Merkins.
  • 17 Burpees OYO.
  • Modified Jack Webb.  17, 7, 6 Merkins with 4x Hallelujahs
  • Jog over the parking lot by Serendipity.
  • Circle Up.
  • 17 SSH, 7 Little Baby JJ’s and 6 Merkins.
  • Maybe some planks….stuff getting fuzzy now.
  • Billy Run back to the start.
  • Thats all.


  • 18 Pax.
  • Prayers for Flouride’s Mission Trip, Cally’s friends little Lucas, Repeato’s expectant baby (answered) and one more I can’t remember.
  • Announcements….turn the group me back on.   July 4th Convergence at FOD with some crazy 1776 count w/o.  July 23 Bulls Game.  Deadline for ordering is 6/30.   Lots of sign ups…40 ish. So far.
  • YHC (with a solid pick up from Mississippi as my glassed fogged up) Read for Tony Dungy’s Uncommon Man’s Devotion for Eph 5:1.  Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.  And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.   Tony D:   Reminds us to be the aroma like the flowers and elminate the stench.
  • Mississippi took us out in strong, strong prayer.   Mr.Sippi has been a nice add to the workouts and Refinery.   Glad to have you my man.
  • Out.   Love working out with ya’ll.


  • Cally’s Tweet was pretty much spot on.  My counting is just a problem.   I gave it my best shot.   Needs work.
  • Pete Russell had a Jack Russell shirt on.

See also