Paul David Hewson

In honor of our guest, Bono from F3 Nation and ENC (the Q of GrowRuck):


THANG 1: 4 corners around the lot for Bono

  • B - 5 Burpees
  • O - 5 Oliver Twists
  • N - 5 Naked Merkins later into Nolan Ryans (what the Q had in mind but forgot at first)
  • O - 5 Outlaws at each corner add one of those exercises so by the fourth corner we’re doing all 4
  • Go up to 10 on lap 2 and back to 5 on lap 3, for lap 4 do 20 of each exercise, but 1 per corner
  • By 0610 the men have all done 100 burpees… get some!

THANG 2: Continuing the Bono theme we moseyed to the other lot for “With or Without You”

  • Partner WWII sit ups (with) and then partner 1 runs the pickle while partner 2 planks (without you), flip flop and do 3 total laps each
  • Hustle back to the flag for Mary

COT and YHC took us out: 32 across SNS, Vesper and the Maynard

NMS: It’s always an honor to lead and a special chance to do that with our brothers from Chicago (Arts & Crafts) and ENC/F3 Nation (Bono) in Carpex this morning. MIAGD!