
The corporate waiver was delivered. The pax were tasked to learn everyone’s PASSIONs, there would be a test at the end, huh (deer in the headlights expressions ensued). It was then determined that one of Denali’s favorite meals is green bean casserole sans onions, Dinali will be our rabbit. Murmurings of WTF followe.

Mosey over to Global Knowledge and paint the lines, then circle up for sundry warm-up exercises. I believe there were some SSH, good mornings, wind mills, and runners stretches. Burt, The confusion was glorious.

At the hill between Koka Booth and Global Knowledge, we dove right into, you’ll never guess it, Triple Sevens. Denali is the rabbit, when he’s done we are done.

  1. 7 trips down and 7 trips up the hill. 
  2. Sedentary 7s at the bottom, completing the full set of 7s each pass. (6 merkins, 1 Superman pulse…1 merkin,6 Supermans)
  3. 7 burpees at the top

Mosey to parking lot for round 2 of triple 7s, Chipper, also a green bean casserole connoisseur, is the rabbit. We are done when Chipper is done.

  1. 7 curb dips
  2. 7 trips across parking lot
  3. 7 dying cockroaches 

Recover on mosey to flag for Mary, led by the pax and their favorite exercise. 

Freddy Mercury, 3 sets of WWII, box cutter, heels to heaven, boat canoe.

Done, with all 7 pax

Announcements: 24 hour prayer starts tomorrow, work trip to Burgaw this Saturday – see Coney and HELLO Kitty

Prayers: Azul, McCants, Silverback, Hermés, War Child, Bogos uncle, Quivers friend, Parker‘s father-in-law, Pierogis brother-in-law, Pickles bro in law, Crimson and family

  1. In the triple 7s, two separate groups formed and really got to know one another, their passions, their strengths, what makes these men tick.  It was beautiful.
  2. Discovered some interesting passions this morning: starting a teaching career, earning PhD, keeping kids away from Fortnite, being THE father the adoptive son’s biological mother would want, the need to push ones physical boundaries, Real estate?, Christian rock music,… and the winner is, toasted hotdog buns from Kermits in Winston Salem.
  3. Thank you Captain Kangaroo for the Sedentary 7s. 
  4. Interested in getting a road bike to do a triathlon? Man there are some cheap prices

See also