Partner Work for 2 Year Anniversary

12 PAX helped celebrate my 2 year anniversary with F3. There were 3 Honors and 2 Respects. Some chatter as to if SWW will become the older AO of Friday mornings. We saw the end of the lunar eclipse during warm up, disappointed that I didn’t make an effort to see it earlier. Today I focused on partner and group work because that is one of the things I enjoy about F3, men working together to get better. I am encouraged and motivated by others. A brief reflection on my 2 years; I have found that “modify as necessary” is essential to success. Listen to your body. There is someone in F3 that can do it, has it, or knows where to find it. My participation has made me a better person; at home, at school, in the community. I have strengthened my relationships with my wife, daughters, family, and friends. I wake up at 4:50 and am ready to go (helps being in bed by 9:00). I still have much to learn and to grow, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

2 minute warning. No FNGs. Disclaimer. Core Principles. Pledge:

Warm Up:
Mosey to the Church parking lot.
Good Mornings
Imperial Walkers
Mountain climbers/calf stretch/Plank jacks

Thang 1: Partner Block Run
Mosey back to FRED and Partner up.
Partner carry the block.
Continue to Lochmere Shopping Center

Thang 2: Block “Dora like workout”
#1 PAX does 50 curls, triceps, rows, overheads
#2 Run up the stairs and pickle. Flip Flop until all 50 done

Thang 3: Murder Bunnies up the hill
Partner Bunny the block up the hill. 1 Murder Bunny 2 Bear Crawls. Switch every 3-5
Partner Reverse Bunny the block down the hill, and crawl bear.

Thang 4: Block Bros. back
Partner run back to parking lot

Thang 6: Block Mary
Circle up. PAX pass blocks clock-wise (to the left Staubach) and then counter-clockwise. Sorry Bluewater, that was not good for your back.
On your 6 for partner WWII, V ups, Hello Dolly, Homer to Marge

Count off, Name-o-rama:
Announcements: Road Clean up on Saturday. Couple Bible Study led by Smokey Sunday evening. Thanksgiving Day Convergence at Bradford Ordinary @ 0630. Burt’s football game and driveway celebration (don’t wear F3 gear).
Prayers/Praises: Thanks for all the support and camaraderie the past 2 years.
Ball of Man: YHC

See also