Partner up, nevermind

I am still not sure why I signed up for the Q this morning. It sure would have been nice to sleep in. I’m sure several PAX wished I would have slept in (Deuce, you can say it, I won’t be offended). But I didn’t and we all left thankful for the opportunity to do some work and enjoy some fellowship together. Here is what went down:

6:30 - time to get rolling. Pledge and then off down towards the lower parking lot for our warm up.

Warm up:

  • SSH
  • Good Morning
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Sir Fazio - forward and reverse
  • 10 Merkins OYO
  • Mountain climbers

Enough warm up, mosey around the loop to the first light pole.

Run to the stop sign at the other end of the park, stop at every other light pole for 2 burpees.


Partner up for some 11s. Sorry, I had been thinking about doing a partner work out with some dora and rock work, but I saw the hill at the other park entrance and remembered the fun we had with Saben a few weeks ago and changed my mind.

So, 11s on the hill. Squats at the top, star jumps at the bottom. That was a long hill.

Mosey back to the flag with a stop at the community center for a long bear crawl and some lunges.


  • LBCs
  • Proper form homer to marge
  • Dying cockroaches
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Low very slow flutters
  • Pierogi took us out with some 100s.


  • Tooks some time to hear some praises from the group! We should do that more often.
  • Several prayers including prayers for Becca.
  • I took us out, reminding us to try to be the positive influence to the ones around us.


  • Q’ing can be a lot of fun
  • It might be worth it to think through what I am calling a bit more, that was a LONG hill!
  • Thanks for the opportunity to lead such a fine group!

See also