Parking Lot Tour

20 PAX gather in the gloomy and humid morning for a flashback Q for YHC.  I have many fond memories of posting and Qing in this great site and was excited to bring some new faces some of my old-school, vanilla beatdown.  Disclaimer and pledge done, we head around the parking lot and down the dark path to the street where we oval-up for:

Warm Up

Good Mornings

Sir Fazio

Imperial Walkers

Calf Stretches

The Thang

Done with warm-ups, we mosey up the street to the large parking lot, squat holding for the six.  Once all are gathered, we start our tour of the large parking lot with:

3 burpees with high knees to the halfway point of the lot for

6 plank-jacks in cadence (plus the previous exercises) with butt kickers to the first corner for squats

9 CDDs with left-facing side shuffles to the far corner for

12 star-jumps with right facing shuffle to the halfway point for

15 hand release merkins with a mosey to the near corner for

18 sumo squats returning to the original corner with a backwards run plank jacks

One more round of all the above exercises in the original corner with no 21’s (missed opportunity)

Finally done and everyone appears to be thoroughly soaked, we line up in three lines for an Indian run back to the main area and the rock pile.  Partner-up, with each partner getting a rock.  Instructions:  partner 1 does the following rock exercises while partner 2 runs to the shelter to perform 5 pull-ups:


Overhead Presses

Tricep Extensions

Rock Rows

Put the rocks back and mosey over to the basketball court for two rounds of suicides and BTTW, people’s chair.

Circle up for: 


15 reps of



WW2 Sit-ups

Flutter Kicks

Dying cockroaches

Bell tolls 6:30 and time to finish.


Count-a-rama:  21 PAX


I am honored to lead a fine group of HIM!

See also