Parking Deck Extravangaza

It was Wednesday. I logged into Slack after an earth-shattering day at work to see if my distinguished co-Site Q picked me up on the pre-blast or if I would still have the privilege to whip up something witty… when the Pet Sounds note appeared on my feed. We’re gonna have to work for this one, aren’t we.

RDG launched early on a solo Cleaver, a couple of SNS GBBs EC’d their various ECs, and 6 other PAX greeting YHC rolling up with some coffees, waters, and a plan. Time to yo.

No FNG Check, Charge Cooler with Ice, Disclaimer, Mission, Pledge, FOLLOW ME!

Gather at the bank circle for a warmup consisting of GM/IW/SSH/HB/SM, then follow me North.

Mosey to the Rush Hour flags and gather for warmup pt. 2 feat. Windmills and Mountain Climbers. Follow me to the parking deck.

Starting on the 2nd level, run up the parking deck, stopping at each end for Burpees and Freddie Mercs. Reps are 2-4, increasing by 2-4 every time. Do maths.

Down the Southeast stairs back to ground level, and start our alternating running/portions of 100 squats (15/15/20/15/15/20) to the other parking deck. Throw in some 10 counts and 15 merkins at the Mayton to break it up a bit.

At the parking deck, start the run to the top. Stop at the west end at every pass for 20 LBCs. Regroup at the top, head down the northwest stairs, and start the Mary Mosey to the flag, stopping at the fountain for H2H & BC, stopping at the Mayton for AH & WW2, and at the Post Office for Boat/Canoe. Mosey to the flag and THAT’S IT.

COR/NOR - 1 honor mall walker, 1 Respect Cleaver, 8 meh bootcampers

Announcements - Churham Mule, The Presentation

Prayers/Praise - JP’s M going to DR, Shank’s 2.0


On the cutting room floor of the themes for the morning was an homage to the home state - earlier this week was New Jersey Day. When I saw that Badlands HC’d, it all clicked… but a short few hours wasn’t nearly enough to do it justice. On the shelf for next year - it’s gonna be amazing.

Driving to the AO this morning and trying to find our destination for the Thangs reminded me that I’d been wanting to hit both parking decks in one workout for a while. Little did I know that Kwik EC’d the parking deck. So much elevation.

My first call of the day was at 8:30 with one of my global counterparts. We were pontificating about what the next few weeks hold for our company, and he dropped a challenge. Due to a number of topics that we’d likely need to fight over for resolution, jokingly, he suggested that I should start working out to get ready for the battle. Little did you know, bro. Little did you know.

Thank YOU all for showing up today. You PAX are what make this AO, Region, and Nation so great. I appreciate you so much.

See also