Park Day

With project weeks coming at me at breakneck pace, I’m having to fit posts in where I can.  Seeing an open Q at Rush Hour Tuesday afternoon, I had a chance to squeeze in a workout between work at work and work at home.  As you know, I lean toward covering some ground.  TOC has some real estate that I hadn’t seen before, so a consult of Google Maps helped me plot a course.

EC YHC rolled up at 5:10, and in comes Asystole jammin’ to the talk radio.  Hops out of the car and says Banjo’s not gonna like him for what he’s about to do…invisible shirt before we even get started.  YIKES!  A few minutes later Banjo came flyin’ in on two wheels and guns blazing. Shovel flag planted, we got situated and off we went to the Parking deck.  Along the way Banjo was challenging YHC to load up the site with running routes.  Challenge accepted.

At the deck we did a ladder of stair climbing and merkins of various sorts.

  • Up to the first level, 5 merkins on the deck, back down for 5 sumo squats.
  • Up 2 for 10 diamond merkins, back down for 10 jump squats
  • Up 3 for 15 wide arm, back down for 15 L/R jump lunges
  • Up 2 for 10, back down for 10 jump squats
  • Up 1 for 5, back down for 5 sumo squats.
  • Plank hold, arms and legs up, low plank hold.

Time to move on, jog over to the ramp.  Backwards run up the ramp, karaoke around the curve, continue karaoke, backwards, high knees,buttkickers to the bottom of ramp 2.

Bear crawl up to the Crown Vic (very funny, there’s like half-a-dozen there!), then crawl bear up to the big truck.  Crab walk back down to the Crown Vic, then walk crab back to the start.  Quick check of the time, and it’s time to meet up with our friends.  0.6 mile covered.

Main Event

An FNG posted after a Bartman headlock, and McFly came by to check things out as well.  So, with a merry band of 5, we circled up for:

  • SSH x 15
  • Good Afternoons x 10
  • Hillbillies x 10
  • IW x 10
  • no, we did NOT do any hacky sacks

Off we moseyed down to the rockpile around the “pond”

  • Grab a chunk for some rock curls x 10, tricep extensions x 10, rock rows x 10 with a hold at the end, then rocks back

Mosey along the most unsafe running route YHC could possibly think of.  5 started, 5 finished this gauntlet.  Found Jordan Lake Brewing along our way, keep that in mind.

Regroup at the gas station for a 10-count of deep squats, then mosey across to Urban Park to scare the kids and puppies.

  • 10 pull-ups OYO on the equipment
  • 10 irkins IC
  • 10 derkins IC

Mosey on around our path, mixing in backwards runs, karaoke, squat hold, plank hold with arms high, etc.

Right on Park Street, where Asystole got ogled by the Cary women while doing a deep squat invisible shirt-style.  Hey now!  We dropped Asystole as he had a 6:15 hard stop.

Headed down to the Walker Street Parking Lot, where Banjo ran into an old friend, and we introduced our FNG to the joys of bear crawls, curb merkins, and the lunge walk.  Couple of reps there and time to move on.

Arrived at the new Cary Downtown Park, where we battled with the paying bootcamp customers over turf.  We won, they all went off running somewhere else.

  • ALRSU x 20
  • Box Jump x 15 (or 28 if you’re Banjo)
  • Run down to the little stage for some bunny hops up each step x 5, then bunny hops up 2 at a time x 5.

Mosey on over to Academy Street for some lightpole Fartleks.  Easy to the first pole, 75% to the next, easy, 80%, easy, 85%, easy, 90% and we were out of poles.  Circle back for the six, then head back to the start for some Mary.  YHC got confused and missed Banjo and FNG.  Of course they knew where to go, and we all reformed at the big flagpole.


  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Box Cutter x 10 IC

Outta time.  2.4 miles covered

Count-o-rama: 4 plus Asystole who bolted


Time to name our FNG, Venkat…favorite movie was the one with Cuba Gooding Jr, you know, the deep sea diver one, name’s on the tip of the tongue, you know….okay, first concert.  Easy, Casting Crowns.  Banjo throws out Mercy Me, as in, Mercy Me, will Old Maid ever stop running?  That one stuck pretty well, so, Welcome Mercy Me.

Oh, and the movie is Men Of Honor, but who would want to have a cool name like that?…#facepalm


A long list today, mostly for FNG’s sake.  Pretty sure he’d be posting at SNS today too.  Contact info obtained for all present, COMZ!


YHC blew it, and we didn’t get any concerns done, but then Banjo spoke to the Great Q in the Sky for us all, and YHC and Banjo hung around for a few minutes to hear Mercy Me’s story of salvation.  It was amazing.  Ask him about it.


  • Banjo ribbed YHC about his weinke.  Gotta have my weinke.  More like Linus’ blanket, as I look at it less and less.  Getting better.
  • We put a slight EH on a TOC officer, so don’t be surprised if some day we have some Police presence at this AO actually posting.
  • Avoided the pain sticks.
  • Banjo felt under-ego’d with the rock he chose.  YHC liked his just fine.
  • So what looks like a good route on paper isn’t.  If only Google maps had a real-time traffic flow option, to let you see what the traffic looks like on any road.  I felt like Frogger on that little back street before we got to the circle.
  • Downtown Cary actually has quite a few parks.  We visited Urban and Downtown.  We cut it a little short, as YHC planned to hit Heater Park and give Angry Elf some Monkey Humpers to ponder, but we’ll hit that again soon.  There’s also Lexie Lane Park on the other side of the tracks.  Dorothy Park’s not that far away either.  Expect a reprise of Parks and Rec in the future to hit ’em all.
  • YHC will be out of pocket again most of next week, dislikes this work schedule during Kaizen weeks, but is grateful for the chance to do the work to make patient experiences better!
  • YHC continues to learn how to lead.  Wise site Qs keep the Pax happy when QotD is not focused on the needs of everyone.

See also