Pardner Up!

  • When: April 20th, 2021  
  • QIC: Earhart
  • The PAX:  The Joker, Puddles, Peeping Tom, Sideout, Theismann, Wahoo, Biner, Open Concept, Mr. Safety, YHC Earhart

10 PAX gather in the brisk cool morning for an intro to Cougar Town by Earhart workout.  YHC workout started with some EC from the DTP flag to the new site, about 1 mile mosey.  I did the EC solo, maybe I should have pre-blasted…lesson learned.  Anywho, back to the ME.  Gather the PAX at the flag for a pledge then start with a mosey down the street to the circle and back to school, alternating with karaoke’s, butt kickers, and backwards run.  Wait, where is Mr. Safety?  Circle up the parking lot for the:

Warm Up

Control freak good mornings

Steve Earls

Sir Fazio arm circles

Seal Clap/Overhead Clap

Exercise formally known as cotton pickers

The Thang

Done with warm-ups, partner up (speed does matter) for some partner 11’s.  Each partner to run opposite direction around the pickle (or called gherkin by the site Qs for its questionable size), each time you meet your partner do descending number of partner merkins starting at ten, then on the other side ascending number of BB sit-ups (WW2?) until you reach 10.  Some PAX faster than others but all finished in a reasonable time.  We had odd numbers thanks to Mr. Safety disappearing into the gloom at the start.

Finished there head to the small playground for some quick rounds of CDDs, dips, and step-ups.  Some PAX eyed the handy pull-up opportunity but we had too many PAX to accommodate.  We will use those in a future workout I am sure.

Run down and over to the pickle ball courts, interesting that an elementary school needs four pickle courts but hey who am I to judge.  Partner back up with partner one doing either wall sit or people’s chair while partner 2 runs a pickle suicide.  YHC instructions were not clear and PAX were all over the place.  Round 2 was better after I give more visual instruction.  Grumbling was made about my leadership and hope that I did not have any kind of position of leadership at work, which thankfully I do not. 

At the school circle we are going to perform a burpee bear crawl combo, with partner one bear crawling around the pickle while partner two does 5 burpees catches the bear and flip-flops (that’s singular).  HIM complete one circuit with an opportunity to another, this time lunges and star jumps were called.

Heading back to the flag after some squats and quick feet for Mary (can always use more Mary)

Back at the flag, we circle up on our six for:


Flutter kicks



Hello Dolly


Watch reads 06:15 and PAX are ready to stop and head to coffeeteria (Common Grounds)


Count-a-rama:  10 PAX


I am honored to lead a fine group of HIM!

See also