Pajama Party @ FWD

Little late here in writing this BB….sorry folks!

Tuesday, 11/20.  17 HIMS met up at FWD for a morning full of fun, some, 1, still wearing Pajamas.  But I am no fashion police.  Quick intro to the PAX and we are off.


Quick jog from the parking lot, to the first playground.  Dang its dark.  First fail of the morning and we are only a minute in.  I did a recon the day before and thought, why don’t we use this first playground?  So much potential in there.  However, I failed to factor in the gloom factor….

We did a lap around the playground.  I tried to encourage the PAX and let them know that their eyes would adjust.  This was a lie of course, and many folks called out my BS….

FINALLY we exited the playground, with 0 injuries much to every ones surprise.  Now for fail #2.  Lets jog to the bridge…..with no headlamps…  I really should try and get some sleep before I Q.  Def not firing on all cylinders this morning..oh well.

We make our way down the trail towards the bridge and stop for a quick HALT at the fork near the moon tower(AKA the power tower).  BTW, yes this is still the warm up.  5 Burpees OYO.  Then back to our jog up and over the bridge, down the ramp, where we circled up.

  • 15 reps in perfect Cadence:  SSH, Hillbillies
  • 10 Count High Knees around the horn.
  • 15 Merkins.  Hold it for Plank, Right Arm up, Left Arm up
  • 15 Diamond Merkins. Hold it for Plank, Right Arm up, Left Arm up
  • 15 Wide Grip Merkins.  Hold it for Plank, Right Arm up, Left Arm up
  • Plank it out.  5 count around the horn
  • HOLD IT.  Mountain climbers and recover.


Now that we are properly warmed up, we made our way back up the ramp about 3/4ths of the way.  PAX were told to line up on one side of the Rail, in the Derkin position for a little Merkin Inch Worm.  PAX in the caboose would do 3 Derkins, then run to the front and resume the Plank Derkin.  Rinse and Repeat until we got to the top.

Once complete we went straight in to Triple 7’s, a Raleigh Favorite.  Starting at one end of the bridge and running across to the other side we performed the following:

  1. Burpees
  2. Half way across, perform 1 Pull up.  Adding 1 each time you pass the middle.  Modification for some, HRM
  3. Monkey Jumpers

With little time remaining we made our way back to the parking lot.  Lots of complaining from the PAX about time, the darkness, CK sweatpants, Half is an idiot, etc…

Stop at the Rock Pile for 15 of each:  Rock Row, Curls, and Press

With 2 minutes remaining we put back our Rocks and headed to the basketball court.  Circle up for Around the Horn 10 count Flutter Kicks.  HAVE A NICE DAY!


FAIL #3.  Apparently I was so excited, that I skipped right over Numbers and Names.  Callahan tried to let me know multiple times but I kept telling him to hush.  He reminded me that he was once a site Q, blah blah blah.  So we did Count and Name o Rama together.  It was weird…

Announcements and Prayers…FAIL #4, I do not recall.. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.  Send me back to Q school.

YHC led us out.  Reminded the PAX with Thanksgiving approaching that we not only need to give thanks but we also need to focus on GIVING.  Whether we give financially, through good deeds, or through our actions, it is important that we do not loose focus of the power of helping others.


  • Don’t go through the playground unless you have a light, or 20.
  • Gloves are not needed when its over 50.  Ice up son!
  • CK wore pajamas, TBH I was jealous.  Looked super comfy
  • We saw something in the Sky during warm ups.  BEEM ME UP SCOTTY
  • Getting 2 hours of sleep a night due to a 6 month old baby is not the best time to Q a workout.  Kind of like going to a Burt Q.  CLUSTER
  • Encouraging the PAX that “your eyes will adjust” does not help
  • Write your BB immediately!!!!

Even though this was a massive cluster, I had fun.  It had been awhile since I last posted, let alone led a workout.  Still, even though it didn’t go as planned and complaining ensued, Q’ing a workout always gets me hyped.  Loved seeing you all out there and look forward to being a “regular” again, hopefully sometime soon!

See also