Pair Up in Groups of 3

Day 6 of Frisco’s Week of Terror(ible) Qs.

Picking up the 6 is a big deal to me. When I started F3, I was 25 lbs heavier than I am now, facing down a Sad Clown life, and on the edge of being too out-of-shape to keep up with my 2.0. As I lumbered along I had those thoughts of “I can’t do this. I let myself get too out-of-shape” or “I’ll workout on my own for a while then come back when I can hang with these guys. I just can’t keep up”.

You already know the punchline. I did keep up–every time–but not because I got faster or the PAX slowed down for me. It was because the fastest guys pushed themselves harder so that they could come back and run with me. It is a very odd experience. Sometimes there were words of encouragement, but mostly they just fell in step beside me slowed (waaaaay) down and went at my pace. Eventually I stopped telling them to “go on ahead, don’t let me hold you back” and just tried to run a little bit faster.

That is what separates us from our pay-to-play boot camp friends: paid trainers CAN’T leave you behind, good friends WON’T leave you behind.

So I wanted to finish Camp Frisco out with a tribute to picking up the 6

Warm Up:

We circled up at the lower parking lot near the shelters.

  1. Good Mornings
  2. Merkins
  3. Burpees
  4. Calf Stretches
  5. Abe Bagoda (?) / Wind Mills
  6. Sir Fazio

Thang 1:

I divided up the PAX in groups of 3. “Base” was the shelter. It faces 3 parking lots so at the far end of each I put an exercise station. Each member of the team has to run one of the parking lots, do the exercises at the station and then run “back to base”. When the entire team is back “on base” each team member rotates to the next parking lot/station and so on.

But you have to be strong to pick up the 6. You need to train harder and as the 6 you need to want to not put your buddies through too much while they are waiting for you. So each team member had to do burpees until their entire team was back on base.

Once each team member had visited all three stations the team was done….and had to do burpees or something else (“We don’t ever stop moving at Camp Frisco!!”) until ALL teams were back on base.

We did two rounds of this.

1st round:

Station/Parking Lot 1: Carolina Dry Docks (20)

Station/Parking Lot 2: American Hammers

Station/Parking Lot 3: Sumo Squats

2nd round:

Station/Parking Lot 1: Peter Parker Knerkins (30)

Station/Parking Lot 2: Star Crunches (40)

Station/Parking Lot 3: Jump Squats (50)

Thang 2:

The PAX did really well once they got the concept. So I decided we were ready to take PUT6-ing up a notch.

We traveled to the Rock Pile Pipe (thanks to Biner for knowing how to get where I wanted to go).

Same teams of three. Each team grabs TWO coupons for some Do What You Can Do’s (coming soon to an exicon near you…if there is any justice).

Partner 1 and Parter 2 facing each other on opposite sides of the sidewalk. Partner 3 runs down the sidewalk to the stairs, climbs up and down and runs back to P1 and P2. While P3 is gone P1 and P2 do R.O.C.K. coupon work. (Rock Rows, Overhead Presses, Curls, Knerkins on your coupon).

But…the catch is that this time each team member does NOT have to run. P1 can run to the stairs and back three times while P2 and P3 just do coupon work. Or P1, P2, and P3 and each take their turn running to the stairs and back while the other two partners do R.O.C.K. work.

We are not all runners. We’re not all coupon slingers. So sometimes we divide up the work based on what we can each do best. One team had a single PAX that did all the running and stair climbing while his partners did R.O.C.K. work. Another team had two team members take a run/stair climb each and then one of them picked up P3’s run/stairclimb because P3 has bad knees.

Everyone got a good beat down and never stopped moving but was able to PUT6 for guys on their team with bad knees or bad shoulders, etc.

Thang 3:

Time was getting short. Time for a Camp Frisco Leap Frog Run.

I split the PAX into fast and slow runners. I sent slow runners and walkers on ahead and the fast runners (and Q full of Q-drenaline) planked/chill cut planked until the slow runners were a decent distance away. Then the fast runners raced to catch them and everyone did LBCs together. Slow runners are sent out again, fast runners plank hold for a bit then runs to catch up. LBCs all around.

We did this until we made it to the top of the hill.

Mary/Rubber Band:

I had some PAX I could tell were flagging and frankly I was quickly running low on Q-drenaline. I sent the PAX on ahead with Callahan (TYFYL) and had him lead Mary. The 2 PAX and I made our way back to the flag. I quickly squashed any “Go on ahead, I’ll catch up” comments. That’s NOT how we roll in F3! And to all of our credit we ran the last 20 feet to the flag together with everything we had left. Finish strong!

Thanks to Hi-Liter for leading some Rubber Band man at the end for me.


Count-a-rama: 4 Respects, 13 Mehs, 1 Like, 1 FNG (Swanson)


I am known as a man of few words. Sometimes.

Thanks for letting me lead today and this week.

See also