Pair of Rucksters discussing the Ruck Life of F3

Date: 11/22/19

As I continue my quest to Q once a week for 2019, This will make it the big 5-0. For me, this is quite epic especially knowing I do not run so much. However, it doesn’t hinder me from Q’ing.

I really like bootcamp workouts, but, rucking is one of those workouts that I’m most comfortable doing because I do not have to think about running. Don’t get me wrong, I do think about running but it’s not important at all in my life anymore. What I feel is important is the fellowship. Because of the rucking pace, it makes that much easier to achieve. Rucking is a workout that can let you experience fitness and fellowship in one workout. It could also hit all three Fs if you build your workout a certain way.

Today, I had the honor to fellowship and workout with Bartman, the Ruckmeister. I got into rucking in F3 because of Bartman. His reputation preceded him so I asked him about it and he was joyful explaining it to me. I’m not sure if he remembers it but I do. His enthusiasm for rucking was infectious, so I searched through my military gear and located my rucksacks. I bought a 30# ruck weight from Hi-Liter and it was history. I started rucking around September 2018. I liked it so much that I wanted to end my 2018 7-pack F3-versary and BD week doing a ruck workout with coupons.

This year, I have plans for my F3-versary and BD and it includes closing out my week with a Greem Mile Ruck (1.5 hrs of bliss).

I met Bartman in the gloom aand we broke off from the GT PAX to get rucking after the Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory.

We rucked to pain station #1: warm-ups and then right into the thang. We de-rucked for Control Freak Zercher Squats x15. CF pace gives the PAX time to get into a good 90-degree squat hold while holding the ruck in an curl-hold at the top position. Ruck back up and rucked on to pain station #2 which is at the corner of Louis Stevens and Morrisville Parkway for thang 2.

Thang 2:

CF Zercher Squats and CFM x 15 each. Heres the thing. You de-ruck for Zercher Squats and then you have to ruck back up for CFMs. You catching my pattern. Mosey to pain station #3 which is at the entrance of the Greenway across from the tennis courts.

Thang 3: Zercher Squats, Merkins and Weighted WWIIs x15 each. Once done, we rucked the Green Way back to the flag rucking across the GT PAX who was doing BTTW and burpees.

We continued our ruck making our way back to the flag where we blended in with the PAX for a little Mary and COT.


Bootcamp workout is great for anyone but if you have knee issues like I do, rucking is the way to go because it is not high impact on your joints. So, I recommend anyone to give it a shot.

It is always a pleasure and honor to workout with you. And it is a blessing to lead the workout.

See also