Pain Stick Party


  • 8 for a pain stick party at BO.
  • YHC worked with the fellas to make sure we ALL counted during exercises. There’s only one way to learn to count cadence when you Q a workout… You have to practice by counting aloud when someone else is leading. It is definitely more difficult to breathe, but that’s the point: you learn and grow stronger.
  • WWW led the pace back to the flag.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run to the circle, circle up for: 5 GM, 10 WM, 35 1-Leg Merkins.
  • Run to the deck, grab a pain stick.

The Thang

  • 25 Pain Stick Merkins (Standard Merkin with hands on the Pain Stick)

  • Lunge walk with your pain stick up one level.

  • 25 Pain Stick Merkins

  • Lunge walk with your pain stick across the level.

  • 35 Freddie Mercuries, 25 Pain Stick Merkins

  • Lunge walk with your pain stick up one level.

  • 25 Sumo Squats, 25 Freddie Mercuries, 25 Pain Stick Merkins

  • Lunge walk with your pain stick across the level.

  • 32 SSH, 25 Sumo Squats, 25 Freddie Mercuries, 25 Pain Stick Merkins

  • Lunge walk with your pain stick to the top level.

  • 25 LBC, 25 SSH, 25 Sumo Squats, 25 Freddie Mercuries, 25 Pain Stick Merkins

  • Lunge walk with your pain stick to the far end.

  • Down the stairs, return your pain stick.

  • Run with WWW back to the flag.


See also