Pain in the Butt

YHC and Michelob ran in to Peak City Beatdown. Monkey Nuts huffed it in too. The Pax was restless this morning. After witnessing a late night twitter war, they were curious to see who would lead them! YHC’s goal of the morning was to be a pain in the ass, or at least make your ass have pain.

Freebird seemed to be clock free and was coming in hot, but he’d have to catch us if he wanted to feel some pain.

Warmup SSH GM Hackey Sacks [1] Hillbillies Pikes L/R Well lo and behold, we have an FNG Mark! A quick midwarmup disclaimer was recited, and the  workout continued. [2] King David TT [3] Burpee Count Off [4]

To Far Parking Lot [5] Plank Shakiras, L/R Arm Throughs [6] Plank Plank Jacks [7] Plank All Stars Scuba Buddah HTM [8] Bridge With Leg raise Bridge with March Mountain Climbers Chillcut Badgers To the Ampitheater Side Leg Raise[9] Side Leg Curl (Maybe called Alabama Ass Kicker?) All 4s – Back/Side/Up [10] Leg Out raises [11] Kick Backs Side plank Leg Raise

Mosey To Shelter ALRSU Irkins [12] Derkin Progression

To Big Tennis Court Stop for a Mandatory Bearcrawl across the bridge BTTW Australian Mtn Climbers 2 Tennis Courts then Exercise, then back 10 Cpn Thors 10 Merkins 10 Wacky Jacks (a.k.a. Nature Boy SSH) 3 tennis courts, 10 Star Jumps

Mary LBC Piriformis stretch L/R High Calf Stretch Hamstring Stretch Box Cutter Freddy Mercury

A measly 1.35 miles covered

Announcements May 29 - Ateam and Kryptonite are closed. Memorial Day Murph at Olive Chapel Elementary School 7am

Prayers Prayers for Physical and Spiritual healing for John, Harold, and Jennifer Continued Prayers for Khaki’s Pastor friend from Mumbai Prayers for our PAX members who are without there mothers this year.

NMS [1] Sky blue seemed amped up before the workout the YHC as Q meant that HAckeysacks where in his future, but froze and missed his opportunity to call Hackeysacks when prompted by the Q. [2] That’s a first for YHC, mid workout disclaimer [3] Mumblehumming: Rockettes song [4] MumbleChatter:You know, there’s easier ways to do this [5] Mumblechatter: You know we can do more things than run. Good thing Yogi’s not here! [6] Called by YHC’s Eldest 2.0. The Pax didn’t seem to appreciate story time while they held a plank [7] Called by YHC’s Younger 2.0 [8] No, this was not called my YHC’s M. If only he was so lucky. [9] Mumblechatter: The Pain! Can we do Pull-ups instead! [10] MumbleChatter: Monkey nuts, quit complaining, you could have Q’d! Calls for Monkey nuts to take over and end the pain [11] MumbleChatter:Burpee Count off doesn’t seem so bad now! [12] Earhart: Tabletop Irkins? YHC:Irkins means incline Merkins Earhart:Well it could be benchtop Irkins YHC:I stand corrected, Tabletop Irkins

[13] Tclaps to Open our for naming our FNG “Dice” HY-LARIOUS!

See also