Paging Trike...paging Mr. Trike...

Day 3 of Frisco’s Week of Terror(ible) Qs.

Day 1 was terrorible when my ex-friend, WWW, traveled back in time and stole (what was to be) my signature workout and used it at A-Team. When I tried to explain it to the PAX using posters and drawings all I got was rolling eyes. (Who knew Shut-In kept glass eyes in his pocket…)

Day 2 was just as bad because after I executed my NEW workout my new nemesis, WWW, went back in time again and made me fat. I had six pack abs up until Tuesday morning! I was waiting for a call back to start my own line of men’s cologne! People think WWW is a nice guy but maybe that is because he has been doing this massive Ground Hog day thing. Figuring out what we all like and then going back and re-doing the day! It makes perfect sense if you think about how many people like WWW. (Hotspot obviously has no time machine.)

So Day 3…

YHC woke up to a threat of lightning. Normally I would have rolled over and gone back to sleep but I had a slot on the exclusive Lion’s Den Q sheet. Worst case (best case?) I could hit Waffle House when no one showed up and further destroy the day (since WWW already made me fat). It was a perfect plan!

5:23am at Lion’s Den and no PAX in the parking lot. No lightning either but I had gotten a notification that it had struck within 65 miles of my location. I could practically taste the waffles.

5:24am Traffic Cone and Crimson pull up beside my car. I considered diving into the back seat to hide but realized they had seen me. I couldn’t taste the waffles anymore, only bitter loss.

I climbed out of the truck and put on a happy face. Traffic Cone instantly recoiled and asked me to stop. (I didn’t have two inch incisors either before WWW started playing around with space-time by the way.) I stopped smiling. More PAX were floating in. We originally planted the flag under the brick awning of the church. But FIA showed up and Shutty mumbled something about not wanting to sleep on the couch (his wife does FIA) so we gave up our spot.

Warm Up:

Good Morning (which I mistakenly called Have A Nice Day–darn you, Waffle House!!)
Sir Fazio arm circles
Liverpool Seal Claps
Real Seal Claps
Merkins (enough to make Ma Bell Proud)

The Thang 1:
We moseyed over to the first parking lot. In the distance we saw Trike pretending to search for us. We all yelled and waved to get his attention but he stuck his arms out like a sleep walker and lumbered back to his car.

So I told the PAX partner with someone they didn’t like. Everyone misheard me and thought I just said “like” apparently because they all queued up in front of ME. There was a lot of pushing and shoving and moaning about “I definitely am the most qualified to be Frisco’s partner”. I settled the issue by partnering up the PAX up myself (in pairs this time).

Now that we were partnered up I called 7’s on the Hill since there is no need for a partner in it. Burpees at the top, Squats at the bottom. Bear crawl up and lunge walk down. I expected Traffic Cone would tap out fairly quickly so I didn’t expect to have to complete it. TMFML. But then TC took off like a rocket up the hill. He bear crawled at speeds previously unknown to mankind and blew through the burpees. (I am actually serious here) He lapped the rest of the PAX in the first few minutes and shattered all of my dreams of an early audible. The rest of the Thang was terrorible and I thought I was going to merlot. TYFYL, TC!

The Thang 2:
I checked my watch, hoping Traffic Cone’s carrying the other 8 PAX up the hill on his back for the last 2 laps hadn’t messed up my schedule. It had, but we finally got to use those partners.

Dora 1-2-3 with 100 Merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBCs.

No rain. No lightning. We finished up with PAX choice merkins.


Count-a-rama: 9

Name-a-rama: 3 Respects, 6 Mehs, No Trike


Prayers for Crimson’s sister who is going struggling with some very tough issues. Prayers also for Crimson and his family as they try to find the best way to support her.

So another thing WWW stole from me with time travel was pulling a PAX out of the lineup at random and asking them to talk about what F3 has done in their life. I pulled Sour Mash in. He immediately mentioned that he didn’t like speaking in front of people. But he gave a great talk about F3 and its impacts. Nice job, Sour Mash!

YHC took us out.


I am a man of few words. Not much to say except great to lead you men today!

See also