The Non Convergence Experience

Seeing the Q slot open a few weeks earlier and realizing I was still in need of said AO Q slot for the “box checking”, I eagerly entered my name onto the Q-Sheet. As the days passed, I then realized that the day in question was good ole Thanksgiving. Reaching out to Site-Qs.. the decision was made to stay open giving the PAX another option. With that said – and after a brief EC and no FNG’s in sight, we started with The Pledge… and [Read More]

Partner Work for 2 Year Anniversary

12 PAX helped celebrate my 2 year anniversary with F3. There were 3 Honors and 2 Respects. Some chatter as to if SWW will become the older AO of Friday mornings. We saw the end of the lunar eclipse during warm up, disappointed that I didn’t make an effort to see it earlier. Today I focused on partner and group work because that is one of the things I enjoy about F3, men working together to get better. [Read More]

Plank Destroyers and Elevator Rides

10 HIMs gathered for another Thursday workout at Hot For TaeKwonDo or Hot for Tate or Hot for Teacher (who knows the name anymore). After a stellar pre-blast from Qwerty about Principal Rooney, nostalgic movies, law enforcement, and trespassing, I knew it was going to be a great morning. YHC did some recon earlier in the week and had plenty of options for the beatdown. After realizing there were no FNGs, the F3 mission was recited as well as the pledge. [Read More]

12 reflections on 1 year with F3 Carpex

Several Pax have asked what I’ve learned over this past year, and several more have asked how much weight I’ve lost. YHC thought a blog post was in order, and considered alternatively entitling this, How to become a HIM of the month before your first-year anniversary, but we all know that’s just a teacher’s pet game, sooo… (Just kidding, it was actually a very pleasant surprise & honor. Besides, we know that can’t be true because Suck UP hasn’t been named HOTM yet. [Read More]


Date: 11/17/2021 13 posted at #ao-wed-tortoisess We had no HIM step up to sign up and Q on the Q Sheet. So, I being the Site Q called a Cluster Q. What’s awesome about this format is everyone working out gets the opportunity to work on calling out the exercise, calling out the cadence, and leading the men through it (mini Q School). Also, the PAX has no clue what their Brother is going to call until they call it. [Read More]

Just a vanilla beat down with no running.

Arriving at 25 mins before go time to the AO, I had a moment of, “crap, did this location get relocated?” As there were no cars in the lot and thus no one doing the “EC thang”. I then also recalled that this isn’t a school and there was no pre-blast sent! Someone else would eventually show up. Nonetheless, I did my own short loop of an EC and then 14 others rolled in to join YHC for what I heard was on task for no mileage and overall solid. [Read More]

90 Days Later, I'm not a runner & Happy Birthday to Me!

After missing out of Qing for 90 days (I did post up with some IR and typical beat downs) I’m back to checking off a few boxes. With that.. today’s theme was “I’m not a runner” and I took the Joe Isuzu approach: I lied. Arrived early on this brisk birthday to scope out the surroundings as it had been a hot sec since posting here, I wanted to confirm my idea and memory. [Read More]

Let's get swole!!!

So for some strange reason YHC signed up to Q this morning. The day after running a 1/2 marathon. Not the best plan, but at least Hell’s Bells is typically limited run. Also, YHC does not typically post at Hell’s Bells, but I’ve been around long enough so what the hell? Here’s what we did: Warmup: No FNGs. Mission statement and pledge and offff we go for a mosey around the parking lot and up the street. [Read More]


Slept in on a Saturday morning, but can still sleep in and make EC run prior to my Q at Off The Rails. The beauty of later starts on the weekend. Warm Up We have an FNG, so make sure to give a solid disclaimer. Start off with The Pledge. Mosey to eventually reach the Thales Academy parking lot near the park. Hit the PAX with some SSHs, Good Mornings, Moroccan Night Clubs, Steve Earles, Calf and Runner’s stretch, and 10 CF Merkins for good measure. [Read More]

Are we still doing this?

I know we have a newfangled method of tracking workouts with attendance and what happened on slack with PaxMate, but part of me still enjoys typing it out for posterity. Anyway, as Triple Lindy and I were discussing running plans for this morning, I remembered I had a late softball game Tuesday night. It’s cool we can just run Friday. And then our boy Happy Gilmore dropped the SNS pre-blast and I was reminded I did indeed have the Q. [Read More]