Grand plans... but no Ark

Measure Twice. Outside of DZ, my most frequented - and most Qed - AO in 2021. So might as well keep that distinction going in 2022! Oh the plans I had this morning. The running … the trails … the hills … not to mention the yoga! Oh the yoga! The PAX were going to be beaten down, broken up and then yoga-glued back together in ways the rest of the AOs could only dream of. [Read More]

CorePex at Carpex

December 28, 2021: The Claymore AO keeps getting smaller there’s lots of construction on site. I had planned to run up the hill and maybe use rocks, but we didn’t get there. I’m glad I showed up 15 minutes early to scout & set up. No FNGs, no disclaimer, we went right into it. Mozy to fence & back, then 15 SSH 1 Good Morning 10 Sir Fazio F/B 10 Mtn Climbers [Read More]

8-Block Vision Board Format

Created by F3 CSPAN The idea with the 8 Block is to IDENTIFY THE AREAS THAT YOU NEED TO WORK ON THAT IS SLOWING DOWN YOUR GROWTH AND WRITE THEM DOWN SO YOU CAN FOCUS ON OVERCOMING THEM. The general idea is to take a piece paper, divide it into 4 boxes (a horizontal line and a vertical line) and each box addresses something that slows down your growth. Think about a word for the year that when you see it, will get you focused on your growth and will remind you to refer to your 8-Block periodically. [Read More]

It sure feels like spring.

As I am awoken from a restful nights sleep post holiday party, I roll out of bed, check the weather and am giddy that I’ll be able to feel my fingers during the entire workout! Spring is here… for the day at least. With that I head over to SWW a bit early, taking in the sites and sounds of the gloom, and confirming my Q. 5:45 arrives along with 9 HIM, 1 being and FNG, the disclaimer is given, and the pledge is recited. [Read More]

Birthday Q focused on 8-Block Vision Board for 2022 Creation and Beatdown!!!

Originally created by F3 CSPAN and adopted to fit workout. The idea with the 8 Block is to IDENTIFY THE AREAS WHERE YOU NEED TO WORK ON AND WRITE THEM DOWN. This way you can refer back to it. While you are working out, pick a word for the year. This will help you focus and refer to your 8-Block periodically. Front-side: Start in the top left block: focus on you Concentrica; partner up [Read More]

Running at Rush Hour?!

Arriving a bit early to recon my plan, and mozy a lap or two for my warmup, I confirm the overall idea I’ve had for a few weeks. This is gonna be fun I think to myself. I was wrong. ;). 7 HIM arrived, the disclaimer was said, and the pledge was recited. Off we go on a mozy to lawn by deck For warmups Good evenings SSH Sir fazoios Over head Claps Seal claps Calf stretch Runners stretch Short mozy to bottom of parking deck for Thang 1: 7’s - using the stairs [Read More]

Full throttle on a rainy day

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley.” Since New Year’s is around the corner, I thought I’d start off with a quote from the estimable Robert Burns, author of Auld Lang Syne. Also befitting since YHC had planned a Q without looking at the weather, and then at 10 o’clock post meridiem, looked at the weather and saw it’d be 40 degrees with 100% chance of rain. [Read More]

Gloomy Wolverine Means A Great Day

Several weeks ago Loom sent a DM asking if I’d like to return to my old stomping grounds at gloomy Wolverine and I happily obliged. Even better, our ShieldLock meets weekly at Wolverine so I know the landscape well. Hell, I even planned to recycle the Q workout from the Shieldlock last week. Pax started slowly rolling in: a few Travelling Circus acrobats (Clementine, PomPom, Overflow), the dynamic duo of Franklin/Badlands, the glorious return of Nature Boy (donning a full red sweatsuit with the bottoms tucked into his socks), Big Red wondering why there was another big red present, and several other HIMs for this great morning. [Read More]

Kettlebell & Coffee on a Monday Morning!

Looking to wrap up the year stronger than I started I felt it was time to lift heavy things with a group of 23 others HIM. That along with the promise for some trunk coffee and perhaps the need to check off a few last boxes brought me out to Hells Bell’s this AM YHC gave disclaimer, searched for FNGS and with non present we started with the pledge then mozy the pickle and starting with [Read More]

Just an Ordinary morning in the gloom

I won’t wax poetic as I am submitting this BB 3 weeks after the workout. Why? Because backblasts are important from a historical perspective. That being said … lets go! Some people showed up though no FNGs. A disclaimer was given. The Pledge was recited. Mozy to the Bank circle for Warm Ups Good morning SSH Sir Fazio Over head claps Seal claps Stretches Mozy to Train Station for Thang 1: Partner Fat Dora / Pickle [Read More]