Hard like Beskar

Well. It’s been a week. After a rare day off work last Friday, and having such a blast with a spelling bee at Danger Zone, I remembered how fun it is to Q. You never realize how bad you are at being a Q until you don’t do it for a long time, then try to jump back in the ring. DZ was a little different; I had a plan, and willing pax, and it was an out-and-back…what could go wrong? [Read More]

No Fooling Around

23 Fools helped YHC celebrate 43 years. Following the welcome, disclaimer, and pledge we warmed up the hammies with some high kicks, butt kickers, and imperial walkers. We proceeded to Mosey with Bruisers continuing the butt kickers and high knees and runners taking a stroll around the new coffeteria location in Amberly. THANG 1: We warmed up with a series of exercises and stretches to get us ready for 7s on the hill with Copperhead Merkins at the top and monkey humpers at the bottom. [Read More]

What in the Hell's Bell's is going on here

It was a chilly 31 degrees at 5:15 when I rolled up to Hells Bells today. The first thing I’m notice is Kwik Stop (sans shirt of course) in what can only be described as VIOLENTLY flipping a tractor tire across the parking lot while listening to heavy metal music on his ear phones that it hurt my teeth! Then Roasters and Left Cheek come strolling in from their 4 mile EC run at full friggin’ gallop. [Read More]

March Madness!

It was a beautiful morning, Mid 50s and nice and dry! Chiquita Banana and Fiddle showed up a full 1 minute early even beating a rucking Flenderson by a full 30 seconds! Thang 1 Mosey around to the front of the church. It’s such a beautiful spot, have to do our warmups there! Good mornings Calf stretches Runners stretch Hill Billys x 15 Merkins Regular x 10 Diamond x 10 Wide grip x 10 Ranger x 10 Regular x 10 Puddles was not a fan of the 50 merkins. [Read More]

Redneck Justice

12 posted at #ao-mon-ateam. 10 campers and 2 mall walkers. 4 EC Mosey to the basketball court to warm up. With Hillbilly’s sister, let the killers commence. Mosey to the guard rails: 1s run to speed hump top of the hill and 10 monkey humpers, return. 2s side lunge, 10 left leg, 10 right leg, repeating. 3x total. 1s run to basketball court, 10 squat jumps, return. 2s 10 left leg forward lunge, 10 right leg lunge, repeating. [Read More]

Bridge and Rocks

6 posted at #ao-sat-whiplash. Warmup. Mosey to water fountain and some light stretching. Bridge. End to end run, back to center: 10 pull-ups , 10 merkins and 10 LBCs IC at one end, 10 CDDs and 10 Homers IC other end. Repeat x 4 Rock Pile to water fountain and back. With rock, 10 curls, 10 rows, 10 press, & 10 figures 8s. 10 active runners stretch IC at water fountain. [Read More]


18 pax. Warm-up at shelter including Hillbilly’s sisters, you know, the one that likes to open wide and the other that likes to go down. Everyone grab a CMU. THE goal is to complete 100 reps each of 10 exercises in any order of your choosing. All block work at the shelter. Left arm row with block, right arm row with block, curl with block, Shoulder press with block, right arm on block merkin, left arm on block merkin, LBC with block, Homer to Marge with block, pull up at playground, # second hang at playground [Read More]

Decades Day 3: FOD 60's

YHC’s anniversary tour continues at Field of Dreams. Theme today is ‘60’s. Fantastic playlist in queue plus this is usually a well-attended AO, so especially excited for this one and arrived 30 min early to reacquaint myself to the site. Overflow had his earbuds in expecting a solo EC - he ended up joining YHC along with Sunshine and PBX for a couple miles - great mumblechatter as to be expected with 75% Steves. [Read More]

It's raining, let's go play

It’s raining, mid 50s, let’s go. Mosey to St Michael’s with stop at main Bond Park entrance for warm-up, including Hillbilly’s sister. We thought about doing the Hillbilly’s sisters, the other one goes down, we’ll do that next time. 🌧️ Mosey to the St Michael’s soccer field stairs. Down the stairs, back up, around the parking lot right, then left, back to stairs.R1: 10 merkins at bottom, hit every step up, 10 merkins at top, 20 right then left lunges at the right end of parking lot. [Read More]

Decades Day 2: Measure Twice 50's

Day Two – and the first “official” AO day. As a new site Q for Measure Twice, felt like a perfect setting to continue the week. The site moved from the original Carpenter Park location (hence the AO name) to Northwest Park, technically in Morrisville. This is primarily due to access to RTP Trails, which normally would have fallen on this day. After some pre-blasting to the regulars to ensure no mutiny, YHC decided to stick to the regular paved loop. [Read More]