1,000 Yard Stare

When Tang came to me for advice about starting an evening workout I thought he was joking. F3 is a morning thing. We workout in the gloom because…well, I mean have you ever seen Kwik Stop in the light of day? Exactly! But I knew respects like Biner and Ma Bell were usually being put down by their nurses in the evening so maybe knowing those types would be out would bring in more PAX. [Read More]

Lost one before the turn

Pre-blast: IR friendly. QIC is nursing some foot stuff. Nothing major but trying to get to the point where I don’t feel tightness first thing in the morning. With that in mind, I scan the area - through Google Maps of course - and see there may be a nice trail leading from one of the parking lots out to Lochmere Lake. Looks like a nice short cut to cool views and some rocks. [Read More]

Playing The Classic Hits

Back to Tortoise, where it all started. At the church formerly known as Sovereign Grace, YHC runs the 1.8 miles in early to get some pull-ups. Very soon, PAX started to arrive and gather ‘round the flag. It’s a cold, sleevy morning in the POGL. Even Ma Bell has the pythons covered for this 27 degree workout. First exercise, Pledge of Allegiance. Warm Up Lap around the parking lot, circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Steve Earles, a single Good Morning led by Crimson, Grundle stretch and calf stretch. [Read More]

DO EPIC SH!T, Quest for the Crest October 17, 2020

My official personal #DES Journey came to an end October 17, 2020 with the completion of The Quest for the Crest 50K [Q4TC], a year-long adventure, really it just started, that included two ultra trail runs, as required and for training. Huge thanks go out to the ultimate, always ready, up for anything CSAUPish, Classic Rock loving, down to earth, ever caring, Mr. Bad Ass, my training partner Bart Filipiak [Build a Bear] and my sister Helen Anderson [Moosh]. [Read More]

We Already Did These

Pierogi made an astute observation on Sunday evening - there were 14, count ’em FOURTEEN empty Q slots for this week. Feeling personally called out by that, I scooped two of them. As we’ll see on Friday of this week, it was easy to select the two that I did. More on that on Friday. #foreshadowing I arrived at MDP at approx 5:04 (so as to avoid the pressure of joining the EC) to settle on the plan for the workout. [Read More]

"Vanilla" Cold as Ice Workout

When the Q sheet was empty for Point Break on Tuesday, I looked at the forecast for Wednesday morning at 5 am and saw that it was going to be a balmy 29 degrees. I was sold on the Q. But what to do at Point Break, so many options. My only option was to run, run and run some more to keep warm. So that is what we did. Pretty “vanilla” workout for Carpex standards. [Read More]

Fashion faux pas

Small but stunningly strong set of swain swung into Scots Mill around six. A pair of NC State hoodies got out of their cars. Matching. Embarrassing. It’s 5:46, time to get going. SSH start. Frisco rolls up. Casually. SSHs continue. Frisco leisurely unfurls the flag. SSHs continue. The shovel is planted. SSHs continue. Shovel flag is assembled, with care. SSHs continue. Frisco joins the SSHs. SSH halt. Thang: Get a rock from the heavy rock pile. [Read More]

Hi Liter, "All Running" YHC, "I don't think so"

First Thursday of the month is a running workout, yeah i missed that one. Pledge, head to White Tiger for warm up. SSH and various stretches. Pre Thing. 75% to James Jackson, 10 Merkins, run back, 20 backwards lunge. Thing. At the creek on Maynard, 75% to Weatherstone, 10 Merkins, run back, 20 backwards lunge or 10 low squats - alternating; 7 round trips. Return to flag, 50 four count LBCs. [Read More]


11 PAX is a decent number for a subfreezing morning at the only AO in Carpex that has an 0515 start time. Welcome to YHC’s annual Back in Black Q! 3 PAX for a 7 minute EC run. Warm Up Pledge of Allegiance, mosey to the big Koka Booth parking lot. Circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles, Overhead claps, Steve Earles, Runners stretch and calf stretch. The Thang Run the outer loop of the parking lot, which is around 0. [Read More]

Five for Fighting the Post Holiday Fart Sack

QIC:Flenderson Donte’s Peak 11/27/2020 Mosey to Basket Ball Courts Warp up Arm circles Walkers Good mornings 5 Merkins Calf stretch Runners Mosey to tables 30 step ups10 4 count dips20 steps ups5 4ct dips Mosey to fence 15 Merkins 10 Merkins on first level5 Merkins on 2nd level10 Merkins on first level15 Merkins Mosey to Pull Up Bars; 1 lap max Pull ups, 10 Merkins, 20 Squats X5 Mosey to tennis courts [Read More]