Move your Oxtail

Hot For Teacher 12/17 PAX: Triple Lindy, Hamm, Chicken Little, Henny Penny, Smithers, Wahoo, Queequeg two Factor Earhart Queequeg Flenderson QIC: Oxtail Warm up Around the world. Combination high / low side shuffles and duck walks Runners stretch Sir Fabio arm circles Good mornings Staircase to heaven pull ups Thang 1 Dora 1-2-3 100 Merkins 200 air squats 300 LBCs Partner paint the lines and run Thang 2 Ascending testicles [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 4 #5 Tin2Iron Tire is the Pacer

Date: 12/17/2020 PAX: Ausfahrt, Disco Duck, Hello Kitty, Intimidator, Pet Sounds, Ramsay, Reentry, Roasters, WWW I arrived at the AO early to get prepped. Coffee started and equipment out. As it gets closer to time, I noticed two runners making their way to the AO (Hello Kitty and Ramsay). They wanted their mileage. Hello Kitty mentions that Pet Sounds was supposed to run in as well. 0530 on the clock and no Pet Sounds. [Read More]

🎶 5 Bu-r-pees... 🎶

The Q for Lion’s Den remained unfufilled and I hadn’t Q’d on the home turf in sometime so I took the opportunity. 10 Pax gathered at the flag with no FNG’s although with the winter gear on some were more distinguishable than others. A quick pledge and we’re off. Tour of Lights Mosey I had promised Coxswain a view of my neighbor’s Star Wars Christmas display as a perk to coming to Lion’s Den earlier in the week on Slack, alas he picked up the Q at Point Break so wasn’t with us – I decided to go through with the tour anyhow. [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 3 #4 Tortoises Block Party

Date: 12/16/2020 (Happy Birthday) PAX: Disco Duck, Mr. Safety, Reentry, Roasters, WWW #4 of 8 Q’s on the docket. I got the to the AO early enough to get coffee brewing. It was cold but glorious for some body conditioning. 0530 and I’m ready to get this party started. YHC directs the PAX to the cinder block holding area to select the best one for them. Oh yeah, there is no difference. [Read More]

Moravain Starry Night

Wild Wild West 12/14 QIC: Flenderson PAX: Hamm, Chicken Little and Disco Duck YHC had planned to do a F3 Classic 12 days of Christmas routine but hearing it was done a few times last week brought a change of plans. My favorite Christmas episode of the office has Dwight shares his Pennsylvania Dutch traditions. I wanted to dive into these in this Q. Warm up Arm circles Good mornings Willie Mayes Hayes Mosey to Covered Wall [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 1 Hells Bells

Date: 12/14/2020 PAX: Reentry, Snots, Ma Bell, Yahoo, Wahoo, Triple Lindy, Earhart, Entitlement, Roasters, Theismann, Side Out, Track Start, Kwik Stop, Free Bird, WWW Q’ing for a whole week to commemorate my birthday on 12/16 & also my F3-versary since 2017. I first heard about F3 while I was in the Cary YMCA. There was a guy in the gym talking about it to his friend. He heard about F3 in Next Door website. [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 2 #2 Claymore

Date: 12/15/2020 PAX: Cataracts, Chewie, EarharT, Frisco, Happy Gilmore, Intimidator, Kwik Stop, Mama’s Boy, Pickles, Red Ryder, Reentry, Roasters, Suck Up, WWW Day 2.1 of the quest. I noticed that as I’m preparing the workout, it is not that easy. I always try to make multiple workouts different so it keeps the PAX guessing. But I do have my favorite routines and the thang I have planned can be modified in so many different ways that it is not boring. [Read More]

Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 2 #3 Rush Hour (Parking Deck of Pain)

Date: 12/15/2020 PAX: Cauliflower, Full House, One Four, Poncherello, Reentry, Riptide, Shoe Horn, WWW Doubling down in the Quest for 8 Q challenge. I wanted to continue the challenge and ensure the PAX got their moneys worth. I decided on the Dez of Pain and no better place to do it than in the parking deck. I’m always glad to see the HIMs out there who want to continue the work on making their body strong. [Read More]

Boy Band Tour 2020

Some call it a shield lock. When a group of HIMs connect and strengthen their relationships through accountability, both in F3 and in life, and push each other to be stronger and better in all phases – physical, mental, social and emotional – again, in F3 and in life. Sometimes these shield locks form as a result of F3 and its ability to bring like-minded, positive HIMs together that want to be pushed and held accountable. [Read More]

New Home

This was the second of two ’late commit’ Qs by YHC on Sunday night, and for an easy reason. Good chance this could have been 3 scoop Qs, but I didn’t want to grab a Wednesday to leave that open for a Maynard or a Cleaver (which I proceeded to FS through anyways). Point Break was open, and the FWD-PB-SWW combo would have felt appropriate given upcoming circumstances. More on that in the NMS. [Read More]