2 Live Crew

Two year anniversary. Wonderful group today. YHC went for a long-ish run yesterday, so today was a Parker-style ME shred. Warm-Up (for some reason I always call “have a nice days” instead of “good mornings” - I make this strange mistake every time - will tighten up). Thing 1: Rock Circuit x3 (oblique sit-ups, single-leg deadlifts, mountain climbers) Thing 2: Rock Circuit x3 (goblet squat, jump squat, pushup, shoulder tap) [Read More]

Safety Failure

9 Pax gathered in the gloomy Wolverine parking lot and with no FNGs, we are off. Fellowship jog to school entrance for a basic warm up of SSH, Merkins, Imperial Walkers and Good Mornings Thang 1 Split into 2 groups and go in different directions for a different exercise, meet back in the middle for a Mary variation and then flapjack Merkins, Squats, LBCs and LSFs for round 1 Diamond merkins, jump squats, Freddie Merc and Hammers for round 2 [Read More]

Killa Beez

Taking the Bounty Hunters creed for the first time so I had to show up strong, right? Harnessing inspiration from a few classic Wu-Tang Clan songs and some old IronPAX legendary exercises, I crafted together 45 minutes of what I hoped would be a challenge for the PAX. To add icing to the cake, quite a few of those in attendance were already complaining about what Triple Lindy did to their rear-ends the day before. [Read More]

Watch out for roots! This is Danger Zone.

Did everyone bring a headlight? Close enough. “Why did Coxswain say to bring headlight when he doesn’t have one on himself?” Que lights clipped onto my waist band like I’m Data in Goonies! Warm Up: Merkins (Yes, we started with merkins!) LBCs Imperial Walkers Good Mornings Side Straddle Hop more Merkins and then we’re off running Thang: Cross the street, not at a crosswalk, but there weren’t any cars coming so it was safe! [Read More]

We Don't Need No Stinkin Q

Hot For Teacher 1/21/2021 Q: None! PAX: Wahoo, Steaks, Quequeg, Oxtail, Flenderon and a fly by from Yahoo. YHC has heard F3 lore of a “No Q” workout for many years now and has been wanting to run this for a while. The conditions this week seemed perfect, so run it we shall. The principle of the workout is to ask PAX present to plan a 5-minute segment at a time ideally while someone is leading a segment so there are minimal breaks. [Read More]

Gotta Get Back in Time

Well the theme of my recent Qs has been Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V ala Hoppin John, but y’all had to know THIS one was coming. Last year on 1/21, Blowout joined me at Claymore for the least-attended themed Q in F3 history, and we had one heck of a time. When I saw a limited run Q spot open on 1/21 this year… I knew it was time. Gather up, no FNGs, scoop up a CMU, and here we go! [Read More]


Four pax and one dog showed up at Ragnarok for a holy cow what time is it? 8 PM? Seriously? OK, here we go. Warm-Up Mosey over to the little basketball court and diamond up for failed hillbillies, penalty burpees, seal claps, cherry pickers, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. The Thang Grab an ego rock at the rock pile and line up on the big basketball court. Three rounds of 10 rock squats, 10 overhead presses, run to the other end, 10 monkey humpers, 10 dry docks, run back. [Read More]

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.

Been to Claymore a few times lately as YHC was on the IR for a few weeks. Time to step up and lead - and to show that you can get a really great workout without much running. Warm Up Mosey to the circle near the tennis courts following the Pledge. Circle up for SSHs, Sir Fazio arm circles forward and reverse, and Steve Earles. The Thang Mosey to the tennis courts, head to a far corner. [Read More]

Time is relative

We started within the 5:30 minute window. Side Straddle Hops Good Mornings Tin Soldiers - (yes those hammies were tight) Sir Fasio Arm Circles (forward) Overhead claps Sir Fasio Arm Circles (backwards) Merkins (no recover) Calf Stretch - one side only Mountain Climbers Now the other Calf Stretch More Merkins and then Recover Mosey to Apex UMC lot and split into 3 groups for stations as groups Station 1 - Squats [Read More]

"Shaping up to be an okay Q"

Those are the generous words Snots shared as we wrapped up our last weights rep on this tour of the plenty that Green Mile has to offer. The day started off perfectly gloomy with mist making it hard to see anything. After a nice warm-up with some high knees, jump skip, butt kicker, and karaoke intervals on the way, we made our way down to the greenway. We started off with a signature move–the over-complicated competition that was hard to understand: the “corn-hole burpee relay”. [Read More]