Piranha Park Pyramids

Forgetting to have picked the Q at last weeks Piranha Park’s hard launch as per site tradition, the Q was chosen at the popup Stone Cutters AO this past Wednesday. YHC had about 3 days to plan what is only my 3rd Q for a 60-minute boot camp. Inspiration struck when I saw the Carpex Core Challenge for the day was an 18-exercise pyramid (thanks Prodigal). Warmups Cloudy and 60 degrees. [Read More]

Ragnarockin' Over the Wall

Greetings, Carpex! YHC just completed my 2021 Q Challenge in Raleigh (Q 21 different AOs) and I am spreading my wings. I’ve posted in Carpex a few times in the past (Danger Zone, Carpex Dads, Werewolf, and most recently Rush Hour). You might’ve noticed a few of us Raleigh guys dropping in to get points for a challenge we have going on this month. It was one of our Raleigh (ahem, Garner) brothers, Bouchér, who recently posted Rush Hour and opened my eyes to the evening workouts in Carpex. [Read More]

POTT to Puff

YHC started with two t-shirts and a sweatshirt on this fine March morning, and quickly transitioned to a tank top. When TTT calls, you answer. Just as you do when two of our finest Site Q PAX call - you ANSWER. 9… make it 10 PAX gathered at 5:45 for what on the surface appeared to be a BO-farewell Q for our outgoing compadre Coxswain. Little did we know, there was a secret plan being cooked up for a Passing Of The Torch for the ages. [Read More]

This ain't Curves boys

Nothing like the good ole days, when Yogi comes in hot from an EC run which alone should get one worried. He did not disappoint. Warmup: SSH Thang: 10 rounds with Tyson: (Merkins, WWII, Squats, Wide grip merkins, LBC, sumo squats, Diamond merkins, Big Boy situp, Prisoner Squat, Burpees) As heard during the workout, round 8, “This ain’t Curves boys, there is no way you guys got all your prisoner squats in. [Read More]

Fellowship sprints

Today’s workout brought to you by Google & F3 Memphis. As in… “Hey Google… find me some F3 track workouts”. F3Memphis pops up with this: https://f3memphis.com/barracks-traditional-track-workout Take a little bit of this, leave a little bit of that, and modify with a dollop of CARPEx-ness and we’re ready to go. A beautiful morning out today. A sliver moon, clear skies, a few stars punching through all the parking lot lights. Just about the perfect temperature too. [Read More]

Birthday Bells

Disturbing the Peace 3/9/2021 QIC: Flenderson PAX: Henny Penny, 16 Steves, Open Concept, Parker, Swipe right, Ramsey, Triple Lindy, Imp, Puddles, Rock Lobster, Egon, Trickle, Chicken Little, All Ours, Honey Comb, Short Circuit, Slim Shady, Sabre, Joe Smith, Decal, Yahoo, Lucky Charms, Clock Work, Silver Fox, KungFu Panda, Wahoo, Smee(FNG) and Flenderson I have never been a big birthday person, they do not really excite me and I never expect much on them. [Read More]

Disco beat me to it. So did Flip.

Sunday night planning my Monday morning A-Team Q, I noted on the map that Laurel Park Elementary is super close by. I’ve been with CARPEx for almost 6 years and have never been to Laurel Park. “Time for a first,” thinks I. Meet up with Flip Flop and Two Factor for an EC run. Head into the park as per usual but after running the regular long lollipop, Flip takes out of the park and to the right. [Read More]

Disney Dreams in Bond Park

9 PAX plus Press On’s pooch gathered at Phoenix for YHC’s 1 year anniversary. As the family is huge fans of Disney I figured we’d do an appropriately themed tour. Clear and ~40 degrees or so. Torpedo commented this is the first time this year he’s started an F3 workout in the daylight…a beautiful one indeed. Warmup Goofy Good Mornings x5 – on a whim, counted with a GAWRSH which all enjoyed… [Read More]

Don’t be a pressure cooker ... learn to release the ANGER so you don’t go #ao-sat-offtherails.

Date: 3/6/2021 I really did not have a theme for this workout until I had some fellowship/bruiser time with my boy Crimson. It is amazing how simple but yet powerful a question could be to help a Brother release some weight off their chest. That question is, “How is life treating you?” When a Brother is ready to unload, it is time to put on the listening ear. It’s your time to shine and comfort a Brother in their time of need. [Read More]

Piranha Park Launch!!

When: March 6th, 2021 QIC: Earhart The PAX: Trike, Triple Lindy, Peeping Tom, Yahoo, Overflow, Red Ryder, Clockwork, Side out, Theismann, Open Concept, Snots, Old Maid, Mr. Safety, Ninjago, Queequeg, Flenderson, Nothing Special, Track Star, YHC Earhart 19 PAX gathered to launch the newest, Saturday AO in Apex, Piranha Park! After 127 days of soft launching, YHC and Peeping Tom finally made it official and 17 others were there to celebrate. [Read More]