Zip it

5:22AM: Arrive at El Cap. See Prodigal sitting in this car mentally preparing for the joy to come 5:22 - 5:28AM: Short run to validate that it is bright enough on the greenways to not need a light. Check. 5:29AM: Share the good news of “no lights” needed with Saban and Ramsay. Ramsay ignores me. 5:29.30AM: Receive Naturday from Burt. Build-a-Bear gets his too. 5:30AM: Pledge 5:30.45AM: We’re off 5:31 - 5:37AM: Brisk run in direction of Wendy’s. [Read More]

What can I do with a football field??

Loved the fact that we have spring football! Wanted to leverage the amazing field and track at Flying Circus on this fine spring morning! 14 total gathered, here’s the quick & dirty regarding what did happen….5:45 hits & we say the mission & pledge, begin mosey to the stadium…. but, whoops! SUV coming in on two wheels & everyone knows exactly who that is …. alter the plan to loop through the parking lot to give said HIM a chance to get out & join up. [Read More]

Workout Q is a no show so Site Q leaps into action always ready to lead the HIMs through the workout

Date: 4/15/2021 PAX: Ausfaht, Bogo, Nature Boy, Schroeder, WWW I was excited to pre-blast and highlight the workout because the original workout Q is known to create a super tough workout. Unfortunately, as 5:30 am rolls around, no workout Q. So, YHC stepped in as QIC to lead the men. We started with the Pledge Allegiance to Old Glory. Then we walked and warmed up at the same time around the pickle before the thang. [Read More]

Acid for the Children

Roll up with 90 seconds to spare. Plenty of time to put the sneakers on and maybe even lace them up! No shovel flag? No bother. Just pledge to the tallest shovel flag in all of CARPEx over the fire station next door. Mosey over for Warmup in the gravel lot that is the Apex Farmer’s Market. Warm-up Let’s start slow to give me time to come up with something. What’s nice and easy and requires no brain cells? [Read More]

SNS 4/14/21

35(ish) PAX converged at Bond Park for a pick-your-own-adventure sorta day. Some ran. Some rucked. Some beast-ed. And some did a little bit of all that. But I can only speak to what the bootcampers did. Some other hero will need to fill you in on what happened with the ruckers and runners. 5:44am, YHC hollered at the PAX to find a partner. A dull buzz filled the air as the PAX wondered whether YHC had actually planned a Q *gasp*. [Read More]

Cougar Town, 30-40 make 70's

The idea for this Q came from my curiosity on whether there is actually a definition of being a cougar. Reliable, first-page Google hits assure that there is, indeed. The possibility of being a cougar begins at 40 years old, with a typical 10 year gap, thus making the average cub a barely-escaped hate at 30 (coincidentally also YHC’s age). Less than 2% of US relationships meet this definition, so if you, gentle reader, are one of them, you are one of the few, the proud, the cradle-graved. [Read More]

Beaker called it monotony, I'm glad he noticed!

Hello Hell’s Bells! Great way to start the week! Here’s what happened: 10 studs and I gathered in the lot – quick survey revealed no FNGs, bummer…. we said the pledge & carried our kettle bells 1/2 way down the lot. Brief mosey around the lot to circle up for the: Warm-up: good morning, windmill, fazio/overhead/seal/alleluias/fazio backwards, plank, merkins, etc. Another quick mosey & gather for: The Thang: wanted to bring something newish to HB, so downloaded a Tabata app – we’d do 8 rounds of each exercise, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest…. [Read More]

Fourth Year Celebration Part 2

Due to joining a Bible study group which meets on Tuesday nights, YHC hasn’t been able to be in attendance at the infamous downtown Cary location that is Rush Hour in a while. But given that this day (4/6/21) marked my 4th year in F3 Carpex, and the fact that I planned this out at the beginning of the year, I was not going to miss it! I had already Q’ed once this day in the early morning at FWD. [Read More]

It's Good to be Home!

Hello Wolverine! Though gloomy as ever, its good to back as I you were my first ever post and where I got the named in perhaps record time. 6 others followed me around this AM, with mumble chatter giving Build-A-Bear the chance to talk about Owls I think? Anyhoo(!).. Loom arriving with the flag and 25 seconds to spare we started and did the following: Pledge of allegiance Mozy to church parking lot warmups [Read More]

Tour de Phoenix

Phoenix has a special place in my heart as it was the site of my first VQ. Had I known that day that it was a 60 min bootcamp, I may have postponed joining Hi-Lighter as it also marked my first 6-pack. What a week that was 2 years ago! Mumble chatter was solid, albeit owned by Tecumseh where we learned a bunch about health insurance. With that 6 others joined YHC for a Tour De Phoenix (Bond Park) and 2 rucked. [Read More]