A Taste of Mace

Point Break 4/21/21 QIC: Flenderson PAX: BAÑJO Chops François Hermes HoppinJohn Laloosh Smokey Flenderson Largemouth GTL Schlitz Joe Smith Triple Lindy Memento Lookout Laloosh Oofta Wahoo Build-A-Bear Chanticleer ebola weeds Peeping Tom YHC and some others who have been popping up Mace workouts in Apex for the last few months and have decided to take our show on the road once in a while. YHC signed up and borrowed some maces. [Read More]

It adds up

EC Showed up a bit before 5:30 thinking that FOD was an early start time. Then remembered that FOD is old school. 5:45AM Start old school. Luckily Gump was in the parking lot just waiting to put on some more miles. The man finished his first marathon Sunday and he’s already looking for some EC?! Crazy. We got in a couple miles in ~15 minutes. I would have taken him back to the flag the long way but Gump talked me out of it. [Read More]

No Mehs

Warm-Up Mosey over to the bank and circle up for warm-up. Hard to recall all of them but I’m pretty sure we did 4 burpess and 20 arm circles. The Thang Mosey safely across Chatham Street and make our way down Academy Street doing five monkey humpers at the odd light poles and ten merkins at the even light poles. Sevens at the Art Center, V-ups at the bottom of the stairs, bear crawl up the stairs, LBCs at the top, mosey down via the ramps on the sides. [Read More]

Pardner Up!

When: April 20th, 2021 QIC: Earhart The PAX: The Joker, Puddles, Peeping Tom, Sideout, Theismann, Wahoo, Biner, Open Concept, Mr. Safety, YHC Earhart 10 PAX gather in the brisk cool morning for an intro to Cougar Town by Earhart workout. YHC workout started with some EC from the DTP flag to the new site, about 1 mile mosey. I did the EC solo, maybe I should have pre-blasted…lesson learned. Anywho, back to the ME. [Read More]

What really is hi-tempo anyway?

quckie backblast – Ma Bell hyped the site as the best, Grease Monkey back for a one-night special, & lots of talk about how FMJ has gotten too tough as of late…. so, pressure on me to make sure the PAX were moving this fine morning…. with 15 seconds to spare, we said the pledge and did a sharp mosey down to the middle school parking lot dodging 3 Apex pick-up trucks on dawn patrol for some reason…. [Read More]

Finding FNGs at the 7-11

A crisp and beautiful Saturday morning at Bond. No FNGs. YHC points out that there were 2 FNGs at SWW just yesterday, but I haven’t had one since before the pandemic. Pledge. Mosey across the park to the parking lot by the boathouse. 7 GM IC 15 IW IC 10 Daisy Pickers IC Calf Stretch with 15 Merkins x 2 Runners Stretch Mosey back to the kiosk for the start of 7-11’s. [Read More]

Star Wars, Star Trek, Starbucks, Starburst

Warm-Up Mosey around the school to the bus lot and circle up for imperial walkers, arm circles, mountain climbers, good mornings and burpees (only because it was chilly, the pax had been on their good behavior so far). The Thang Mosey over to the basketball court and circle up for Birthday Surprise. Schroeder did this at our Bruisers workout this weekend and I liked it so much I stolt it. One man selects an exercise, then the man to his left calls that exercise with the number of reps matching the day of his birthdate. [Read More]

Wild Wild West Weather

Oh, how I love the weather fluctuations here in the land of Carpex. One week its Winter, a week later Spring and then Fall once again. This morning didn’t disappoint with a solid 48f to start the morning with the traveling “Circus” in tow. With no FNG’s, we started with the pledge. Mozy around large parking lot which included: Karaoke Butt kickers backwards run Back to the flag for warmups which consisted of [Read More]

Double Duty

51 is a lot different than 50 was last year. Just the situation - we are now back to getting after it in groups in the gloom. On April 15, 2020, we’d officially shut down group workouts. But one thing I wanted to keep the same. Do a Murph on my birthday. The day started with a run into Bounty Hunters, which depending on the route I choose is right about 3 miles. [Read More]

Papa Smurf

Surprisingly brisk mid-April conditions at North Cary Park this morning, so chilly even Ma Bell was wearing sleeves. Warm-Up Mosey around The Pickle back to the flag and circle up for control freak Good Mornings, imperial walkers, burpees, copperhead merkins and squats. The Thang Mosey down to the shelter for 11’s (since Callahan says 7’s aren’t a thing), left-right step-ups in the shelter, hand release merkins at the flag. Partner up, one partner runs The Pickle, one partner does irkins, dips and derkins. [Read More]