Throuples Therapy

YHC normally isn’t a big Saturday workout guy. But there are boxes to be checked and swag to be claimed, so this Saturday it is off to the Green Mile. YHC shows up early to confirm that we can still break into the track, but amazingly there is a full blown track practice going on. I didn’t think high schoolers were physically capable of being awake that early on a Saturday. [Read More]


Warm-Up Mosey up to the front of the school and circle up for imperial walkers, arm circles, daisy pickers, copperhead merkins and copperhead squats. The Thang Mosey around the school to the bus parking lot and count off 1s and 2s. One group BTTW while the other does 20 merkins, repeato with peoples chair and squats, then a lap around the buses. Repeato with 15 and 10 counts. Mosey over to the back parking lot for island sprints, with 10 monkey humpers and 10 dry docks every time you return to the first island. [Read More]

We'll Get It Right Eventually

The gloomiest AO in Cary in downright pleasant as dawn starts to creep in. A nice crowd is already gathered around the flag as YHC rolls in. Pledge. Take a lap around the parking lot and circle up on the basketball court. 5 GM IC 25 SSH IC 15 Imperial Walkers IC Calf Stretch 15 Merkins OMD Calf Stretch 15 Merkins OMD Runners Stretch Move over to the jogging path and line up behind YHC. [Read More]

Hot For Teacher 4/28

Hot For Teacher 4/29 QIC Flenderson PAX: Slappy, Yahoo, Trackstar, mumbles, Mandolin, Quequeg, QWERTY, Cateracts, Mosey to entry of the schools 12 penalty burpees Mosey to Park Warm Up Arm Circles Seal Claps Overhead Clap Good Morning Mosey to Baseball field Thing 1 Foul Line Escalators Run foul line to foul line adding an excersise at each, than reverse Merkinks Squats, MT Climbers Monkey Humpers Bobby Hurlies Burpees Mosey to Tennis Courts for Mary In the Middle [Read More]

Plain Vanilla 7s

This is YHC’s second Q in the POGL this week as we try to class this place up a bit. This may be the first morning of the year that I would legitimately label as moist. 3 attack the Dino early followed by 11 more boot campers. Nice to see a few new faces in the crowd that YHC has never worked out with before. Pledge and then a run through downtown to the church parking lot where we circle up. [Read More]

Honor Birthday Q 4-28-2021

What a beautiful morning! What a wonderful moon! @Bluewater was kind enough to hand over the reins for my birthday Q. I thought I had signed up on the Q-Sheet, but old age is catching up. Warmup Short run to the employee parking lot. 60 Side Straddle Hops 15 merkins 5 Good Mornings 15 Sir Fazio Arm Circles (forward and reverse) Thing 1 Short run to parking lot behind Duke Outpatient Care [Read More]

3-and-a-half out of 5 stars

A glorious morn to disturb the peace, wake the dead, and get stronger in clear, 50-degree weather. 13 HIMs, including 1 FNG, so after a quick disclaimer and pledge, moseyed to the back of the church parking lot for warmup. Warm up Don Quixotes, IC, x10 Sir Fazio forwards, IC, x10 High knees, IC, x10, with arms outheld from SFs Seal clap, IC, x10 Sir Fazio backwards, IC, x10 Butt kicks, IC, x10, with arms outheld from SFs Cadence run-in-place, IC, x20 Plank jacks, IC, x10 Calf stretch, 10s each Thang 1 - Disturb the Park in groups of 3 After a quick tour of Jones park, divide into groups of 3. [Read More]

Dangerzone 4/23/21

38 degrees and clear. 12 men showed up for a little old school fun. And it was an old school kind of crew, what with the likes of Burt, Coney, Riptide, Shut-In, and McCants, but with a splash of slightly newer blood like Hermes, Flip Flop, Lookout, Blowout, Viewmaster, and Happy Gilmore. All in all, a solid group, of which I was the slowest PAX. YHC planned an impeccable Q last week at Shakin’ Not Stirred. [Read More]

In the Wild Wild West

YHC legitimately can’t think about this AO and not start singing Kool Moe Dee’s masterpiece in my head. And now you won’t be able to either. You’re welcome. A great crew out for a Monday. Duck arrives in his silent earth-mobile. Mandolin is there without Banjo. Tramp Stamp is back, which makes YHC happy. Hamm is there on the Rehab tour. Shlitz is even there after a 20 miler the previous day. [Read More]

Inverted Sunrise - FWD 4-27-21

4 For EC 3ish mile standard loop - Banjo, Lookout, Joe Smiff and YHC. 1 for EC 2ish mile jog - Chipper 19 Showed up for the main event. Including some from the other side of Cary. Debrief Greenbow on the game plan for the route. Mention something about invigoration. Pledge allegiance and a ‘follow me’. The Thang: Jog up Cary Parkway to the ’not even an exit’ future road tie-in on the right for a brief warm-up including Side Straddle Hops, Good Mornings and Hill Billies. [Read More]