TP flyby

Today was really all about the warm up. And the fly-by. But more on that one bit later. First the warm-up. Rolled into Cornerstone church several minutes early and took a run over to the cemetery for some hill. Singular. Back just in time to grab the speaker, turn on some NIN radio, and greet the crew. No FNGs. Two FNG2M. Never met them before. Glad to know Jeter and Charmin. [Read More]

A Plan Comes Together

AO: A-Team Workout Date: 06/07/21 After Slippery When Wet on Friday, I verified with site Q Henny Penny that A-Team was, indeed, a standard boot camp. The A-Team was one of my favorite television shows when I was growing up. I really wanted to have some inspired routines for this. The first one came pretty easily, Burpee-American Hammer Elevens for the A-Team’s master mechanic, B. A. Baracus. Solid! What exercises could I come up for Hannibal, Faceman, and Howlin’ Mad Murdock? [Read More]

It Was My Understanding

AO: Slippery When Wet Workout Date: 06/04/21 I really prefer to post a new AO before Qing, but it doesn’t always happen. In these cases I perform due diligence, verifying the workout format and scoping out the AO on Google Maps. According to the F3 Carpex website, Slippery When Wet is a standard boot camp. Warm Up: Give the mission statement, check for FNGs (1), give the disclaimer, and warm up: [Read More]

Lions and tires and bars, oh my!

It’d been a hot minute since YHC had Q’d something besides EC broga (Fridays 0515 @Dante’s Peak) so a limited run AO seemed like the perfect way to ease back into things. Plus I found out at my last Hell’s Bells post that we had not 1 but 3 tires tucked away onsite, so an idea was formed…possibly one better left as an idea, but more on that later. Warm-a-rama Good morning, on up & down, x5 TIE Fighters Fwd, Seal claps, TIE Fighters Rev, OH claps IC x10 each Low squat hold and side-to-side toe taps, IC x10…not sure if this move has a name, what about a Penguin squat? [Read More]

Something about a blossom

We ended today’s COT with Pivot saying something profound about a blossom. But I can’t for the life of me remember what it was. It was something like “even if you can’t flower, you can smell the blossom”. I know that’s not it but it was something like that. Or maybe it wasn’t. But it definitely had the word “blossom” in the quote. Probably. Today’s Measure Twice was something like a Measure Thrice. [Read More]

There's Bears Back There

It was good for YHC to return to FMJ. The guys that were there the only two other times YHC posted there, and Q’d know the routine. Run towards the track,, stop for 10 Good Mornings (IC) 10 Butt Kickers (IC) 10 Calf Stretch (Hold L/Hold R) 10 Hill Billies (IC) 10 Hackeysacks (IC) 10 Cossak Stretch (a.k.a Hey Hey Willy) (IC) 10 King David Kick (IC) Proceed to the track [Read More]

Conquering the Beast

Serious storms overnight, but a gap in the rain from 530 to 7 made for a great morning to workout. For my 6th anniversary, 6x6x6 (or the Beast) seemed appropriate, but I wanted to mix it up. We made 36 stops throughout Down Town Cary, and performed series’ of 6 exercises at each (sometimes throwing in 2 exercises at the stops) If you want to know what we did (sort of), see the image. [Read More]

Intro to Bruce Lee abs

It is now officially summer. How’s everyone’s beach body? When you think six-pack … are you thinking beer belly or abs? I’ve had this workout flagged for a while but wasn’t quite sure when or how to pull it out. Decided today was as good a day as any. Ma Bell and Franklin get an excused absence. The rest are in store for a beatdown in reverse. Warm-up Pickle laps [Read More]

What R* We Doing???

A few weeks back I got the notion that it was time to Q at Bounty Hunters and take advantage of Site Q IPTF’s fantastic swag offer, the coveted Bounty Hunter decal. I looked out, synced up calendars, and found a June 3rd opening (May 4th was already snagged :( ). This was right after @Flenderson and @Hotspot’s fantastic May Hill Climb Challenge had finished, and after the Maynard 100 earlier in the month. [Read More]

KBs for Everyone

YHC rolls in a bit early to devise a plan and watch how WWW brews his tailgate coffee. 7 more eventually join, and we are ready to go on a beautiful morning. No FNGs. Pledge. A quick mosey to get loose, which YHC is told a couple of times should not be too long. Circle up where we started for a warm up. 7 GM IC 25 SSH IC 15 Imperial Walkers IC 15 Sir Fazio IC 15 Fazio Sir IC 15 Merkins OMD Everyone grabs a kettle bell, which will be with us for the duration. [Read More]