Magnificent Eight in the Wild Wild West

AO: Wild Wild West Workout Date: 07/26/21 YHC is starting off my birthday Q week at Wild Wild West. I was inspired with a workout variation last night, but with only eight PAX for the workout, I decided to shelve it for later. PAX might see it at Ground Pounder on Saturday. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance Mosey to the other end of the parking lot for warm ups [Read More]

On the nose

GT has few expectations. Those they do have include: 5K minimum No 10-counts Make sure Largemouth at least breaks a sweat Apparently recently a new one was added: Tell jokes They didn’t say they were funny. So I repeated by bacon tree joke from #PointBreak. Luckily there were no repeats from earlier in the week and I got a bit better on my delivery. Warm-up: Run to the gazebo at the roundabout. [Read More]

Alphabetti Spaghetti?!?

There’s a show that ran on BBC in the late 80s and early 90s called Red Dwarf that just about makes up the epitome of what I consider peak humor. It’s nerdy yet childish and gets me giggling all the time. While the show is a sci-fi comedy, it’s still a BBC show so the production values are total crap. You have to look through that. The writing and the characters are what make it work. [Read More]

Good to be back on the horse

After a long hiatus, I stepped up to take the Q at Tin 2 Iron. This is one of the newer AO’s since I first joined F3 in the summer of 2019. I took a long break from F3, I could blame COVID but that’s an excuse, really got lost in life but continued to follow the PAX remotely. Many of the men stayed in contact with me and I appreciated that so much. [Read More]

Dora's Birthday Surprise in PV

Full Throttle (Wednesdays 600-645) is a relatively new AO for F3 right in my home community, planted by a core group of local HIMs who have been working out together since last year. They were generous enough to allow their Wed AM slot to become officially part of F3 Carpex a few weeks ago, and I was humbled to be asked to Q this morning’s beatdown. Arrived 0545 for some quick cone setup, joined only by Doogie with 5 min to go and expected it to be a very light crowd. [Read More]

A Great Twinkie Joke

If there ever was a joke about Twinkies…it would never get old. My VQ was last Friday, and a good time was had. Warm Up Good morning (it was!), Sir Fazio front and back, Seal Claps, Michael Phelps OYO, and Runner and Calf stretches. Mozy-ied over to the driveway next to the parking garage. Thang 1 11s on the driveway, featuring Burpees and Star Jumps (like you’ve seen a ghost) [Read More]

A Quiet FWD

A calmness and cool 66 degrees captivated 10 apparently groggy HIM this morning at FWD. With no mumble chatter apparent, I gave a brief disclaimer, and we then started with The Pledge. Mozy up and behind the shopping center to the large parking lot for warm ups. Good Mornings SSH Sir Fazio Arm Circles / reverse Seal Claps Overhead claps Merkins Calf Stretches / Runners stretch Mozy to Corner of lot for Thang 1: 4 Corners [Read More]

Herding Wildcats

AO: Field of Dreams Workout Date: 07/13/21 I had some workout ideas in my head when I pulled into Field of Dreams, but those plans were mostly dashed when I discovered the baseball fields and the walkways between them were locked off. I did a quick mosey to get some new ideas, entertaining some mumble chatter from Banjo as he warmed up on the playground. I really wanted to avoid Rack Em Stack Em since I’ve called it quite a bit recently, but it worked out so well on the turf soccer field at Dante’s Peak, and the soccer field at FoD was open. [Read More]

Leg Day, All Day

It’s A Team and this is my backblast. Pledge of Allegiance then… Warm Up Mosey to the parking lot by the tennis courts. Circle up for Sir Fazio arm circles, Overhead claps, Steve Earles, and some runners/calf/hamstring/hip stretching. All the Thangs First, go to the traffic circle by the picnic area. Partner up. Partner 1 does El Capitan around the circle. Partner 2 runs around the opposite direction. Each time you meet, 10 merkins and then switch. [Read More]

Balls, Balls, Balls, and Towels

The Back Story Now that I have my first Q under my belt and celebrated my birthday taboot, it was time to commemorate three years of me being a part of this great thing we call Carpex. Three years ago, Sosa’s diligence in EH’ing me for months (seriously) finally paid off and I showed up to Thomas Brooks Park for my first post. Red Ryder was the Q that day at Field of Dreams. [Read More]