El Halfitan run club

Truly appreciate the guys who made it out this morning. Solid conversation throughout, with maybe the pause here and there on the climbs. Thanks for coming out. Route: start to Cary Pkwy east towards Evans zig/zag through Silver Creek development including one segment and one missed turn exist to Evans heading south right onto Maynard and all the way back to the start Official mileage is 5.7. New record. COT: [Read More]

Stories of our fathers

8 pax: MIA, Cool beans, Sabre, Flacco, Doogie, Jello, Moped, Banjo Mosey to gazebo for various warmup exercises then return. Pax were additionally tasked to share stories, lessons learned from there Father’s from youth. P1 runs parking lot loop 2x, P2, Round 1 merkins, R2 dips, R3 CDDs Storytime: Holding high-end Homer to Marge P1 runs parking lot loop,P2, R1 calf ankles toes, R2 windshield wipers, R3 calf ankles toes [Read More]

Circles on the Green

AO: Gran Torino Workout Date: 07/30/21 I got to witness Gran Torino from afar when I Q’d Rolling Stone back in May. Those fellas got in some serious mileage just doing laps in the parking lot. I’ve been putting off my Q, waiting until I was “ready.” How many times have we said/heard that at F3? I was originally scheduled to Q Crazy Ivan today but got unintentionally bumped off the Q Sheet there for Q Swap Week. [Read More]

In a World...

The scene is dark, still and very quiet. There is barely any visible light but then we are jolted by the sound of an alarm clock and the darkness is pierce by the clocking showing 4:45am. Cut to: key in ignition Cut to: driving down the road before sunrise. Cut to: wide angle shot of 10 HIM milling around a parking waiting for what would become the best way to start ones day. [Read More]

Milk Man

Websters: milk·man/ˈmilkmən,ˈmilkˌman/Learn to pronouncenoun a person who delivers and sells milk. Urban Dictionary: milkman A person that handles/pleases the wifey/girlfriend, when the husband or boyfriend is away.That baby doesnt look anything like you. Better ask the wife about the milkman. I’ll give you one guess as to how we ended up with FNG Milk Man on Friday @ DZ. I honestly don’t remember what all we did. At all. I know I wanted to use the sand volleyball courts but there was a group up there already. [Read More]

Parking Deck Extravangaza

It was Wednesday. I logged into Slack after an earth-shattering day at work to see if my distinguished co-Site Q picked me up on the pre-blast or if I would still have the privilege to whip up something witty… when the Pet Sounds note appeared on my feed. We’re gonna have to work for this one, aren’t we. RDG launched early on a solo Cleaver, a couple of SNS GBBs EC’d their various ECs, and 6 other PAX greeting YHC rolling up with some coffees, waters, and a plan. [Read More]

Meeting minutes for the Board Meeting

Date and time: 29 July 2021, 0600 Roll: Clockwork, Deuce, Intimadator, Open Concept (tardy), Peaches, Rooney, SideOut, Smithers Office details: Jordan Lake near Bell’s Church, 72 degrees, Humidity 89%, Wind 2.3 mph from SSW Motion to approve: Last meeting’s minutes were tabled for approval until a subsequent time, because a quorum of returning Pax was not reached. Old business Acclimate Pax who were new to paddleboarding as to proper technique for inflating, standing, and paddling with board. [Read More]

Dora in the Lion's Den

AO: Lion’s Den Workout Date: 07/28/21 Last night was the end of season banquet for my kids’ Summer swim team. I went to bed as early as I could, but knew I wouldn’t be doing any sort of prerun this morning. After a few views over Google Maps and Dora in my back pocket, I showed up ready to wing it. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(1), and give the disclaimer. [Read More]

Getting Some Work Done in Cougar Town

AO: Cougar Town Workout Date: 07/27/21 Most of my birthday Qs this week are in Carpex as I work toward my goal of Qing all of Wake County. I slept too late for the advertised slow mosey (slowzy), but I did have enough time to run around the AO and scope things out. Warm Up: State the mission, check for FNGs(0), and give the disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance Mosey around the school to warm up. [Read More]

MacGregor Downs and Ups

I was kicking it with HoppinJohn during our kids’ baseball game last weekend, and I noticed his site needed a Q this week, so I jumped on it, with the warning that it would be BRR-tilted. Stacked EC line-up: Mayflower, Bagels, Chops, Voltron. Lots of folks milling around ahead of the start time. I asked Chops to be clear in the pre-blast that we were running today, and he was, so I assumed everyone was onboard for some envelope-pushing. [Read More]