Over Hill and Dale in Downtown Cary

So a few weeks ago I was complaining giving constructive criticism about an Indian Run we were in the middle of when Term Paper said, “Guess what, VQ week is right around the corner and you can plan an even better workout.”  Dazed and confused, YHC finds himself in the gloom, in front of FUMC, Q’ing the Bradford’s Ordinary. A huge THANK YOU for the yoga mats that appeared!  At long last, my wail of anguish has been answered and I have a place to lay my weary countenance!

It’s 5:45, we have no FNG’s and we’re off!  Jog down Waldo St. turn right into the parking lot, jog through the lot to the other side and circle up for warm-up.

Warm Up

15 x SSH

14 x Windmills

12 x Dancing Bear

15 x Merkins - pause after 5, go down 6” and pause for 10 count.  Then resume

Well, that was the plan.  Alas, YHC is still trying to dope out how numbers and cadence work.  Turns out that “and” is *not* a number.  Go figure.  Regardless, the PAX can count and we made it through to the other side.  A quick Count-o-rama to break everyone into two groups and we leave the parking lot, in two lines, in an Indian Jog down S. Walker St. to the little parking lot that used to be apartments.

Thang 1

Find a partner, size doesn’t matter.  P1 does balls to the wall while P2 runs into the field and does 5 Burpies.  P2 runs back, relives P1 who run to the middle of the field and does 5 Burpies while P2 does Balls to the Wall.  Wash, rinse, repeat reducing the Burpies by 1 each trip.

That was fun!  Let’s do it again!  This time, instead of Balls to the Wall we will do The Peoples Chair and instead of Burpies we will do 5 down to 1 Turkish Get-Ups.  Unfortunately, I forgot Turkish Get Ups are a kinda “left arm right arm” thing.  I humbly apologize to any PAX who feels like they received an unequal work-out this morning.

Circle up for a quick 10 count and we are off to the base of the hill at the back of the fountain via a shortcut through the fields.

Thang 2

More partner work.  Dora 1-2-3.  100 Merkins, 150 Squats, 200 LBC’s.  P1 runs up the hill, Bear Crawls down the sidewalk, runs down the hill. P2: exercise.  Flapjack.  

Mosey out to Academy Street. Group splits up, Ones, take one side of the road, two’s take the other.  Work your way down the street.  At each light pole, do Burpies, starting at 9 and decrementing by 1 at each pole.    (this exercise was in celebration of my very first F3 workout back in April)  Light poles and Burpies are forever etched in my brain.

Time was short so I called an audible, we grouped up at the top of Waldo St. and Billy run the the flag.  A quick WW something sit up and we were done.


Name-0-rama: 27 PAX

Announcements:  Back Pack Buddies looks to be wildly successful and is sorta kinda done but if you have more stuff, bring them next Thursday to BO and we will take them.  As Ma Bell has the day off, he offered to pick up any stuff you may have forgotten to bring.  Hit him up on Twitter or Group Me.  F3 Dads will have another day at Bond Park on Aug. 26 at 9 AM.  See Hermes and Banjo about the upcoming big run at Bond Park.  I can’t remember when they said it is.  Pet Sounds needs PAX to to join in and help him the F3 Expansion in Chicago. As we spent a lot of time off roading this morning, check yourself for ticks!  Or get someone close to you to do it for you. Prayers

Luke, Callahan’s friend, got news as good as can be expected and treatment is continuing.  Ma Bell and family are going on vacation.

My co-worker’s friend who is in jail in Nicaragua.


I have been attending F3 since April.  I have NEVER attended a gym I paid for as regularly as I attend F3.  For that, I thank you.  This is truly an excellent and supportive group.  It is an honor to be part of this group.  I was happy to hear chatter from folks about making a 6-pack this week or sentences that start with “I don’t usually come out to this work out but it’s VQ week…”.  That speaks volumes to how we support each other and hold each other accountable.  Keep talking to other men about F3!  It makes a difference.  Maybe one day, you actually find someone Banjo hasn’t already spoken to.  I suppose it could happen.

See also